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Environment Pope Francis

Pope: The planet is sick but are we listening to this pain?

Rising global temperatures are a sign not just of climate change but a signal the planet is sick, Pope Francis said in a new video announcing his prayer intention for the month of September. Source: NCR Online.

Environment South America

Amazon church tells Pope of concern over murder of eco-activists

Peruvian Cardinal Pedro Barreto SJ says the leading concerns for the Amazon region include not only issues like deforestation and illegal mining, but also the harassment and murder of environmental activists. Source: Crux.


Book offers Window on Creation with saint, pope and ‘eco-hero’ priest

In celebration of World Environment Day today, the Sisters of Saint Joseph have launched a new online educational resource, titled Window on Creation.

Ecology Environment

It is impossible to recycle our way to zero waste: CRA 

Catholic Religious Australia says it supports the Albanese Government’s renewed focus on improved waste management and recycling activities but believes the Government is placing too much focus on increasing recycling rather than reducing overall production and consumption.

Environment Pope Francis

Pope marks World Earth Day with plea for bold action

Marking World Earth Day yesterday, Pope Francis reiterated his urgent plea for bold action for “our common home” and for world peace. Source: Vatican News. 

Environment Pope Francis

Seek nature to counter polluting lifestyles: Pope 

Humanity must have more direct contact with nature to counter the modern lifestyles that are destroying the planet, Pope Francis said on Saturday. Source: CNS.

Africa Environment

Zimbabwe bishops sound alarm over El Niño-related droughts

As the El Niño climate phenomenon produces drought and food shortages in several African nations, the Catholic bishops of Zimbabwe are issuing urgent appeals to avoid what they describe as a serious risk of starvation. Source: Crux.

Education Environment

Compass Catholic Community’s garden grows 

Students at South Australia’s Compass Catholic Community are sprouting green thumbs, thanks to a successful community garden program. Source: The Southern Cross.

Environment Health

Catholic health care organisation’s decision a win for environment

St John of God Health Care is the first Australian private health care organisation to stop purchasing Desflurane across its network of 17 hospitals to help reduce the national organisation’s carbon footprint.