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CRA calls for legislation to end industry ‘greenwashing’

Catholic Religious Australia has lodged a submission to federal Parliament addressing “greenwashing” tactics employed by Australian industries that can mislead consumers attempting to consider a product’s environmental impact.

Environment Pope Francis

Change course now to beat climate change: Pope

A faster change of course away from today’s throwaway culture and toward greater care for the common good is necessary to ensure the planet’s liveability for future generations, Pope Francis said yesterday on World Environment Day. Source: CNS.


Bishops Conference launches Laudato Si’ Action Plan

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has launched its Laudato Si’ Action Plan on World Environment Day, outlining practical responses to Pope Francis’ landmark 2015 encyclical letter. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Ecology Environment Pope Francis

Pope Francis on care for creation: ‘God wants justice to reign’

Pope Francis has emphasised the importance of the virtue of justice in a message for this year’s World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Source: CNA.

Ecology Environment

Church in Australia celebrates Laudato Si’ Week

The Church in Australia is this week celebrating Laudato Si’ Week, marking eight years since the publication of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on care for creation. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Ecology Environment

Climate scientists issue ‘final warning’ on climate change

The world’s climate scientists have issued what one expert said is a “final warning” before global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees Celsius. Source: ABC News.

Bishops Environment Oceania

Oceania bishops call for ‘deeper ecological conversion’

The Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania has released a statement focused on the oceans, which speaks of the need for “deeper ecological conversion” and to embrace “the challenge of integral ecology”. 

Bishops Environment

Care for creation a focus for Oceania bishops assembly

The bishops of Oceania encountered the scriptural and practical realities of God’s creation on Monday, hearing the Creation story at morning Mass and later seeing the effects of climate change in Fiji. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


CRA applauds overhaul of Australia’s environment laws

Catholic Religious Australia says the Albanese Government’s announcement of a new Environment Protection Agency and pledge to reform current environment laws is a “step in the right direction”.