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Human Rights

Christmas concert shines spotlight on modern slavery

The Perth Catholic community came together at Aquinas College for an evening of music and reflection on the issue of modern slavery in Australia and the world today. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

Church in Australia ‘making a difference’ in fight against modern slavery

Today is the United Nations International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. Globally, Catholics have been called by Pope Francis to take action to end all forms of modern slavery. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

Catholic organisations call on Government to beef up modern slavery law

Catholic organisations have called for laws to be strengthened in submissions to a Commonwealth review into the operation of the Modern Slavery Act.

Human Rights Migrants Refugees

Exploitation of migrant workers happening across Australia

Migrants and refugees working in New South Wales’ Hunter region face complex challenges, including wage theft, according to new research by the University of Newcastle in collaboration with Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH).

Human Rights Sport

Church leaders raise concerns about human rights in Qatar

European Church leaders have urged awareness of human rights issues during the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, amid continued criticism that the Gulf state was allowed to host the tournament. Source: Crux.

Human Rights

Christmas boost will ensure modern slavery programs continue

Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans is seeking to ensure its future by launching an appeal to keep the organisation operating beyond 2023.

Human Rights South America

Church groups in Brazil fight human trafficking in Amazon

The Church has been trying to raise awareness that Brazil’s Amazon region is seeing a rise in human trafficking but activists say it’s a battle of David against Goliath. Source: Crux.

Human Rights

UN inspectors locked out of Australian prisons

Australia’s human rights reputation is in jeopardy after a United Nations anti-torture subcommittee suspended its visit when it was denied access to jails in New South Wales and inpatient units in Queensland. Source: The Guardian.