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Social Services

Help on the way for brides without a dress

In a gesture of support for Cairns brides heartbroken by a bridal shop’s shock closure, Centacare FNQ has offered its hand in support. Source: Cairns Post.

In The Dioceses Social Services

Merger marks new era for social services in Canberra-Goulburn

The historic merger of Marymead Child and Family Centre and CatholicCare Canberra and Goulburn launches a new era for an agency with a rich history and clear vision for the future, says the organisation’s chief. Source: Catholic Voice.

First Nations Social Services

Catholic Social Services launches joint webinar series on Voice to Parliament

Catholic Social Services Victoria and Catholic Social Services Australia have opened registration for their three-part webinar series on this year’s Voice to Parliament referendum.

Social Services

Centacare helps former prisoners ‘find their feet’ and a place in the community

For newly released prisoners in south-east Queensland, finding a roof over their head is an immediate challenge. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Social Services

Advisory council heralds new era for Centacare

The Centacare Catholic Family Services advisory council has met officially for the first time, heralding a new era for the South Australian organisation. Source: The Southern Cross.

Social Services

CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes opens safe space for separated families

Separated Broken Hill families now have a safe space to spend time as a group, thanks to CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes’ new children’s contact service. Source: ABC News.

Social Services

Report finds low-income families struggle in summer heat

Almost two-thirds of people on income support are struggling to keep their homes cool in sweltering summer temperatures, an Australian Council of Social Service report has found. Source:

Families First Nations Social Services

MacKillop Family Services releases second Reconciliation Action Plan

MacKillop Family Services has launched its second Reconciliation Action Plan, coinciding with the 15th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations.

Housing Social Services

Catholic Social Services says housing crisis a nationwide disaster

Catholic Social Services Australia says the housing crisis is an Australian-wide disaster affecting everyone from the unemployed through to double-income families.