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Social Services

Report finds low-income families struggle in summer heat

Almost two-thirds of people on income support are struggling to keep their homes cool in sweltering summer temperatures, an Australian Council of Social Service report has found. Source:

Families First Nations Social Services

MacKillop Family Services releases second Reconciliation Action Plan

MacKillop Family Services has launched its second Reconciliation Action Plan, coinciding with the 15th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations.

Housing Social Services

Catholic Social Services says housing crisis a nationwide disaster

Catholic Social Services Australia says the housing crisis is an Australian-wide disaster affecting everyone from the unemployed through to double-income families.

Digital Life Social Services

‘Technology divide’ restricting access to services, Senate inquiry told

Australians facing poverty are more likely to be restricted with services like Centrelink because of the technology divide, a Senate inquiry has heard. Source: The Australian.

Social Services Welfare

Catholic sector welcomes plan to establish welfare payments panel

Catholic Social Services Australia has welcomed Albanese Government plans to establish an independent panel to annually review support payments such as JobSeeker and parenting payments ahead of each federal Budget.

Social Services

Tougher regulations on the cards for ‘buy now, pay later’ schemes

Catholic Social Services Australia has welcomed plans by the Albanese Government to tighten regulations around the “buy now, pay later” industry.

HIgher Education Social Services

Low-income and disadvantaged hardest hit by ballooning HECS debts 

Catholic Social Services Australia says the Albanese Government’s review of policy, funding and governance issues within the tertiary sector must look at student loans and repayment mechanisms, particularly for low-paid and disadvantaged former students.

Social Services Tasmania

Program brings prisoners and their families together

A CatholicCare Tasmania program is helping prisoners strengthen their relationships with their children and build positive connections with their families and communities. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Anniversary Poverty Social Services

Minister salutes Centacare and raises ‘one of the biggest issues’

The urgent need to tackle generational poverty and disadvantage was highlighted by South Australian Human Services Minister Nat Cook at Centacare Catholic Family Service’s 80th anniversary. Source: The Southern Cross.