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United Nations

Holy See calls for new measures to combat crimes against humanity

The Holy See’s Permanent Observer at the United Nations in New York, Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, has called for more effective international measures to combat crimes against humanity. Source: Vatican News.

Religious Freedom United Nations

Religious freedom ‘violated’ in one third of the world

The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations in Geneva has called for renewed international efforts to address the ongoing violations of human rights, including freedom of religion. Source: Vatican News.

Climate Environment United Nations

COP28 leaves Catholic officials with mixed feelings

Catholic officials present at the United Nations climate summit in Dubai had mixed reactions to the summit’s conclusion, as nearly 200 countries agreed for the first time to shift away from fossil fuels. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis United Nations

Commitment to human rights never ends: Pope 

Pope Francis yesterday marked the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Source: Vatican News.

Digital Life Peace United Nations

Holy See calls on UN members to promote culture of peace in digital era

The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations has called on UN-member states to make honest assessments of the effects of digital technology on education, dialogue and the broader pursuit of peace. Source: Vatican News.

Religious Freedom United Nations

‘Religious hatred’ resolution approved at UN after Koran burning

The United Nations Human Rights Council has approved a controversial resolution that urges member states to prosecute acts of religious-based antagonism more aggressively. Source: The Tablet.

Human Rights United Nations

UN condemns Australia’s ‘inhumane’ detention of refugees

The United Nations’ torture watchdog has urged Australia to end its “inhumane”, indefinite detention of asylum-seekers and immigrants and make reparations for historical human rights abuses. Source: The Age.

Persecution United Nations

Holy See raises plight of people facing religious persecution

Addressing the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the Vatican representative at the UN has highlighted the ongoing plight of people being persecuted for their religious beliefs. Source: Vatican News.

Families United Nations

United Nations calls on Australia to ban smacking

Australian parents would face criminal consequences for smacking their children if the country adopted a United Nations push to outlaw corporal punishment. Source: Perth Now.