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Europe Saints

Church in Poland seeks beatification of murdered missionary

The Church in Poland is seeking the beatification of a young lay missionary who was murdered in a bungled robbery shortly after starting work with Catholic nuns at a children’s home in Bolivia in 2017. Source: OSV News.


Pope continues reform of Vatican court system

In the latest move in his reform of the Vatican judiciary, Pope Francis has issued a new edict on the retirement age and benefits for cardinal judges and magistrates in the Vatican’s court system. Source: CNA.

In The Dioceses Prayer

Sydney Archdiocese to host services for Bondi community

Sydney Archdiocese will host a Vigil Mass and prayer service on Saturday for the victims and those affected by the stabbing attack at Westfield Bondi Junction last weekend. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Attorney-General says Australia has a crisis of male violence

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus will call out a crisis of male violence in Australia and demand that men step up to prevent it, after the number of women killed in violent incidents so far this year reached 24. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Mental Health

Institute’s ‘very Catholic approach’ to mental health care

Mental health care is primarily a pastoral ministry of accompaniment, which is strongly enhanced by an integration of the Catholic faith with the best of psychology, according to Catholic mental health practitioner Shawn van der Linden. Source: The Bridge. 

Appointment Safeguarding

Changing of the guard at Australian Catholic Safeguarding 

Outgoing Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd board chair Michael Lavarch was thanked for his service and incoming board chair David Penny was welcomed into the role at ACSL’s Annual General Meeting this week.

Cost Of Living HIgher Education

Albanese flags HECS overhaul in budget

The Albanese Government is expected to change the rate and timing of HECS indexation in the federal budget as people grappling with massive student debt brace for another large rise in June. Source: The Age.

Human Rights United Nations

UN anti-torture watchdog issues blunt warning to Australia

The United Nations’ anti-torture watchdog has issued a blunt warning to the Australian Government for dragging its feet after a failure to update progress on improving the treatment of detainees across state prisons and immigration detention facilities. Source: The Guardian.


Ukrainian Catholic bishop speaks out after deadly Russian air strike 

The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has responded to a “devastating” strike by Russia on civilians in a northern Ukrainian city. Source: NCR Online.