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Senate report calls on Government to trial four-day work week

How we think about, and value, our work and our caring arrangements needs a major shake up, according to a new Senate committee report. Source: ABC News.


Melbourne schools will celebrate to the MACS

The commitment to “forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Christ” is the theme of celebrations for Catholic Education Week across the Melbourne Archdiocese. Source: Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools.

Disability Migrants

Visa hope for Down syndrome kids as Minister overturns family’s rejection

Families of children with Down syndrome seeking visas to stay in Australia are feeling hopeful after a Perth family was granted permanent residency following a ministerial intervention – but discrimination remains. Source: SBS News.

Abuse crisis Europe

Polish bishops and experts reject allegations St John Paul II covered up abuse

The Polish Bishops’ Conference says that “further archival research” is needed to fairly assess a new allegation, based on communist secret police records, that St John Paul II covered up child sexual abuse by a priest while serving as the archbishop of Krakow. Source: CNA.


CathNews returns on Tuesday, March 14

CathNews will not be published on Monday, March 13, due to public holidays in Victoria, ACT, South Australia and Tasmania.

Film Review

Emotionally wrenching US civil rights drama aims to educate and honour

Based on a true story, Till is a biographical drama about a mother’s pursuit of justice following the 1955 racially-inspired murder of her 14-year-old son in Mississippi. Source: Jesuit Media.

Religious Freedom

Bishops outline dangers in proposed discrimination reforms

Senior bishops have warned law changes proposed by the Australian Law Reform Commission would prevent Church schools from being authentically Catholic, arguing they would discount the rights of people with a religious faith. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Pope Francis applauds women on International Women’s Day

Marking International Women’s Day yesterday, Pope Francis called for a round of applause for women, saying “they deserve it”, while praising their “ability to construct a more humane society”. Source: Vatican News.

In The Dioceses Safeguarding

Diocese renews commitment to be a ‘leading light’ for safety

Parramatta Diocese has become the first Catholic entity to be accredited as a safe environment for children and adults at risk. Source: Catholic Outlook.