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Burney’s path to politics began in the classroom

The Catholic Schools NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education conference this week has gathered 550 educators to discuss Closing the Gap in educational outcomes for Indigenous youth. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Religious Freedom

‘Little shrine’ dedicated to persecuted Christians

Visitors to Brisbane’s St Stephen’s Cathedral are encouraged to pray at a new “little shrine” for Christians who are persecuted worldwide. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Interfaith encounters give students life lessons

Catholic Mission’s Interfaith Encounters program brings together senior students from diverse faith backgrounds to learn from each other, celebrate their differences and discover similarities. Source: Catholic Mission


Number of workers in aged, disability care jumps 70pc

The number of people working in aged and disability care has grown by more than 70 per cent in five years, according to the latest figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics from the 2021 Census. Source: Pro Bono News.

Pope Francis

Road to hell paved with good intentions and no action: Pope

Complaints without any desire to do anything about the situation are poison, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS


Jerusalem patriarchs warn against British embassy move

Church leaders in Jerusalem have joined the mounting criticism of the British Government’s review of the location of its embassy to Israel. Source: The Tablet.

Pope Francis Vatican

Pope pleads for Church unity on 60th anniversary of Vatican II

Pope Francis yesterday marked the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council by pleading for the Church to “overcome all polarisation and preserve our communion”. Source: NCR Online.


Priest recalls horror of Bali bombings, prays for peace

Canberra priest Fr Richard Thompson remembers firsthand the horror of the Bali bombings 20 years ago today that claimed the lives of 202 people, including 88 Australians. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Bishop Brady ‘an inspiration to so many people’

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Sydney Auxiliary Bishop Terence Brady after he turned 75, the canonical retirement age for bishops, earlier this year. Source: Sydney Archdiocese.