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Education New South Wales

Perrottet defends faith as former school comes under fire

The New South Wales Education Standards Authority is investigating Sydney schools linked to the Catholic group Opus Dei. Source: SBS News.

Abuse crisis Victoria

Hundreds of sexual abuse claims at Victorian state schools

Almost 400 civil claims have been made against the Victorian Government for historical child sexual abuse in state schools in the past 12 years. Source: The Guardian.


Family’s parish priest says helicopter crash survivor a ‘living miracle’

The young Catholic survivor of a horror helicopter crash that killed his mother on the Gold Coast has woken from his coma and spoken to his father for the first time. Source:

Appeal Vatican

Pope appoints American as head of Dicastery for Bishops

Pope Francis has named an American as the next prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Bishops to succeed Cardinal Marc Ouellet. Source: CNA.

World Youth Day

Cost of altar for World Youth Day causes controversy

World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon is generating controversy over the $A7.6m price tag for the altar area from which the Pontiff is expected to celebrate the closing Mass. Source: Crux.

South East Asia

Cambodia marks 100 years of Christianity 

Cambodia marked a century of Christianity on Friday, with Prime Minister Hun Sen pressing for harmony among all religions and requesting that the clergy refrain from forcing people to change their beliefs. Source: UCA News.

Africa Pope Francis

Pope urges prayers for ‘pilgrimage of peace’ to South Sudan and Congo

Pope Francis has invited Christians to pray for his papal visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan this week, saying the African nations have suffered greatly from lengthy conflicts. Source: Vatican News.

HIgher Education

No short-term solution to teacher shortage: ACU

Australian Catholic University has urged caution amid calls to reduce comprehensive postgraduate teaching degrees to one-year courses.


Australian Catholics to meet Vatican’s most influential woman

Catholics around Australia will this week meet and listen to Sr Nathalie Becquart XMCJ, the most senior woman in the Vatican who will become the first woman to vote in the upcoming Synod of Bishops. Source: Catholic Outlook.