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Religious Freedom

Christian couple wins religious discrimination battle against foster agency

Perth couple Byron and Keira Hordyk hope that their five-year religious discrimination battle against a foster care agency will give hope to all Christians who strive to live by and promote basic Christian beliefs and values. Source: Catholic Weekly.


Callum takes state’s top student citizenship award

Volunteering to support the homeless and those in need, as well as addressing big issues like climate change, were some of the community contributions that saw Catholic school student Callum Barrott-Walsh named South Australia’s joint Student Citizen of the Year for 2022. Source: The Southern Cross.


Youth centre provides ‘Gospel of joy and loving kindness’

As two boys race through the front door of Don Bosco, one yelled out to the other, “What is this place?”, to which the other replies, “This is my home away from home, come in!!” Source: Catholic Outlook.

Church Life United States

Church-going in US remains lower than before pandemic: study

The percentage of Americans who attend religious services is now “significantly lower” than before the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among young people and other groups less likely to regularly attend, a new survey shows. Source: CNA.

Africa Pope Francis

Pope sends prayers to Congo church attack victims

Pope Francis has conveyed his sorrow and closeness to the families of the dead and wounded after a deadly bomb attack on a Pentecostal church in north-eastern Congo killed nearly 20 people over the weekend. Source: Crux.


Vatican launches School of Arts and Trades for artisans of the future

The Vatican body that oversees the conservation and maintenance of St Peter’s Basilica has launched a new School of Arts and Trades to offer technical formation for future stonemasons, carpenters and marble craftspeople. Source: Vatican News.

Oceania Synod

Church in Oceania prepares response to Synod of Bishops report

The rich diversity of the Catholic Church across Oceania, as well as its unity, was evident during a meeting in Melbourne last week of representatives of the region’s four bishops conferences and Eastern Catholic churches. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Archbishop Fisher backs gambling reforms to prevent ‘social harm’

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has backed efforts to tackle problem gambling in New South Wales but stopped short of endorsing any specific method for imposing limits or restraints. Source: SMH.


Injury and abuse among thousands of incidents in disability group homes

There have been more than 7000 serious incidents in disability group homes over the past four years, with many including injury and abuse, according to the complaints watchdog for the NDIS. Source: The Australian.