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Cost-of-living and ‘brutal’ housing market forcing more onto the streets

The housing and cost-of-living crises have seen a 34 per cent increase in rough sleepers in the past year, with Vinnies saying almost a third of those seeking help are doing so for the first time. Source: ABC News.

Modern Slavery

NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner launches three-year planĀ 

New South Wales Anti-slavery Commissioner Dr James Cockayne yesterday launched his three-year strategic plan to combat modern slavery. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network.

Health Opinion

Fears over anti-Catholic bias as government rips up hospital contract

The ACT Government has trashed the sanctity of Australian property rights with a rash and heavy-handed takeover of the Catholic-run Calvary Hospital in Canberra, writes Senator Matt Canavan. Source: The Courier Mail.

Mission Refugees

Catholic Mission calls for parish support for refugee families programĀ 

This Refugee Week, Catholic Mission is inviting parishes to take action and open their hearts and arms to sponsor refugee families to help them to settle into their new life in Australia.

Abuse crisis Crime

Convicted paedophile pleads guilty to another offence

One of Australiaā€™s worst paedophile priests, Gerald Ridsdale, has pleaded guilty to another historical sexual crime after a 72nd victim came forward. Source: The Australian.


Francis advances sainthood cause of Fatima visionary

Pope Francis has advanced the sainthood cause of Sr Lucia dos Santos, the eldest child to witness the 1917 Fatima apparitions. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Ukraine

Pope Francis sends new cargo of humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Pope Francis is sending his Apostolic Almoner, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, to Ukraine on his sixth humanitarian mission to bring closeness and a cargo of humanitarian aid. Source: Vatican News.

Bishops New Zealand

Pope appoints bishop for New Zealand diocese

Pope Francis has appointed Christchurch priest Fr John Adams as the new bishop of New Zealandā€™s Palmerston North Diocese. Source: NZCBC.

Film Review

Movie set in Paris taxi a delightful ride

In Driving Madeleine (Une Belle Course), a seemingly simple taxi ride across Paris evolves into a profound meditation on the realities of the driver, whose personal life is in shambles, and his fare, an elderly woman whose warmth belies her shocking past. Source: Australian Catholics.