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Prayer Tragedy

Diocese offers prayer and pastoral support for local community after bus crash

The Maitland-Newcastle Diocese has offered prayers, sympathies and support to those affected by the Hunter Valley bus crash and will host memorial liturgies in the local church at Singleton and in Sacred Heart Cathedral, along with other pastoral support.


No reset for Yes campaign despite drop in support for Voice

Linda Burney and supporters of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament are rejecting calls to reset the Yes campaign or delay the referendum, with the Indigenous Australians Minister declaring Australia has come too far to turn back now. Source: The Australian.


Minister flags shake-up for disability employment services sector

Australia’s $1.4bn disability employment services program is in for a shake-up, with Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth flagging major changes as part of her plan to drive down the jobless rate among people with disabilities. Source: Herald-Sun.


Calvary to put staff at centre of transition following court decision

Calvary has expressed disappointed at the ACT Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss the application challenging the validity of the ACT Government’s attempt to compulsorily acquire Calvary Public Hospital and says it will continue to put its staff at the centre of the transition. Source: Catholic Voice.

Cost Of Living

Rise in childcare spend indicates people working more to meet living costs

Families are spending 30 per cent more on childcare than they were a year ago, despite its cost rising 6.8 per cent, in a sign parents are increasing their hours of work to cope with cost-of-living pressures. Source: SMH.

World Youth Day

Antonia dances her way onto World Youth Day stage

A young Western Sydney Catholic will have the opportunity to express her two biggest loves – dance and faith – on one of the world’s biggest stages. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Partnership helps refugees and asylum-seekers get to work

Mercy Community’s Romero Centre and Logix Engineering have partnered to provide refugees and asylum seekers in Brisbane with much-needed experience through a series of successful work placements.

Pope Francis Poverty

Pope calls on Christians to become personally involved in plight of the poor

Pope Francis has released his message for the annual World Day of the Poor, stressing that a “great river of poverty is traversing our cities”, and that every Christian is called to become “personally involved” in the struggle against it. Source: Vatican News.

International South Asia

Sri Lankan cardinal calls for immediate elections to resolve unrest

Sri Lanka’s leading Catholic prelate has called for snap elections so the country can select new leadership amid a protracted economic crisis and what critics see as increasingly harsh crackdowns on anti-government protests. Source: Crux.