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First Nations

NATSICC expresses support for Voice to Parliament

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council says a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous Voice to Parliament would “serve as the bedrock for the journey towards reconciliation”.

Pope Francis Synod

Don’t fear Synod on Synodality: Pope

Ahead of the June release of the working document for the Synod on Synodality, Pope Francis says the “great enemy” of this synodal process is “fear”.  Source: CNS.


Fr Chris de Souza named general secretary of Bishops Conference

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has appointed Fr Chris de Souza, currently serving as one of two vicars general in the Diocese of Parramatta, as its new general secretary. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery Act fails to create ‘meaningful change’

The Modern Slavery Act has failed to create “meaningful change” three years after its introduction and is not strong enough to combat the scourge of modern slavery, according to a report tabled in federal Parliament yesterday. Source: The Australian.


Former student’s return to Edmund Rice marks beginning of a new EREA

Edmund Rice Education Australia has appointed Liam Smith as its national executive director, bolstering the organisation’s ability to deliver best practice Catholic education to its more than 40,000 students across the country.

Education Spirituality

Offering spiritual direction to teachers could transform Catholic schools

Catholic schools have become a more diverse workforce, prompting many learning communities to introduce meaningful formation opportunities that enable all teachers to participate in enhancing the mission of the Catholic school. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Centrelink payment boost one step closer for millions of Australians

New laws boosting the rate of JobSeeker, along with other Centrelink payments such as Youth Allowance and disability support pensions, were introduced to the federal Parliament yesterday. Source: Yahoo News.

Ecology Environment Pope Francis

Pope Francis on care for creation: ‘God wants justice to reign’

Pope Francis has emphasised the importance of the virtue of justice in a message for this year’s World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Source: CNA.

Film Review

Dave battles banking Goliaths in class war

Bank of Dave tells the story of a self-made millionaire who fought to set up his own bank in a small English town. Source: Australian Catholics.