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Aged Care

Aged care funding to save homes from going under: Catholic Health Australia

Catholic Health Australia says new aged care funding supporting 15 per cent higher wages for 250,000 care staff was a “game changer” for the sector and would likely keep sinking nursing homes afloat. Source: The Australian.


Catholic Education welcomes funding for school upgrades and equipment

The National Catholic Education Commission has welcomed the Albanese Government’s announcement of funding for school upgrades and new equipment.

Abuse crisis

Government removes redress scheme restrictions

Access to the National Redress Scheme for institutional child sexual abuse will be expanded to prisoners and a wider range of former child migrants. Source: Canberra Times.

Pope Francis World Youth Day

I’ll see you in Lisbon, Pope tells young people

Pope Francis has sent a video message to the teens and young adults preparing to attend World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, in August. Source: CNA.

In The Dioceses

Archbishop Coleridge reinstates Sunday Mass obligation

Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge has written a letter to parishes across the archdiocese reinstating the obligation to attend Sunday Mass from May 28. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Chaplaincy Vocations

Br Des, 80, embraces new ministry focus

In his 60th year as a Marist Brother, Des Howard is proof that it’s never too late to find new ways to live out your vocation. Source: The Southern Cross.

Peace Ukraine

Vatican says Russia and Ukraine aware of peace mission

The Vatican has insisted that Russia and Ukraine know of its efforts to negotiate a ceasefire, after the warring parties denied any knowledge of a peace mission. Source: The Tablet.

Religious Freedom United States

US Catholic hospital threatens to sue over sanctuary candle ban

A Catholic health system in Oklahoma has threatened to sue the United States Government over a decision to deny re-accreditation to one of its hospitals if it doesn’t follow an order to extinguish a long-lit sanctuary candle for safety purposes. Source: Crux.

Film Review

Student caught between religious and political elites in spy thriller

Cairo Conspiracy is a dramatic story about the struggle for power and influence between the religious and political elite of Egypt. Source: Australian Catholics.