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Proposed laws would give nurses green light to discuss euthanasia with patients

Nurses, social workers and counsellors will be able to initiate discussions about euthanasia with terminally ill people in the ACT, under what will be the most liberal framework in the country if enshrined into law. Source: The Australian.

In The Dioceses

Priest keeps op shop doors open for people who lost everything in bushfires

With bushfires burning in Queensland, Toowoomba Diocese priest Fr Jack MacGinley is keeping his local op shop in Tara open with a sign out front: “Goods all free, clothes all free, help yourself”. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Charity Climate Ecology

Caritas report gives a voice to victims of climate change

Caritas Internationalis has launched a new report that reveals the experiences of people displaced by climate change. Source: Caritas Australia.

Charity Middle East

Religious sister in Gaza pleads for peace and humanitarian aid 

A religious sister who is principal of the Rosary Sisters School in Gaza has issued a heartfelt plea for peace and immediate humanitarian aid in the war-torn region. Source: Aid to the Church in Need.

HIgher Education Liturgy

Sacrosanctum Concilium still a work in progress after 60 years  

It’s arguably the Second Vatican Council’s most contested and misunderstood constitution, but six decades later Clare Johnson says the Catholic faithful have a way to go to fully grasp the central vision of Sacrosanctum Concilium. Source: ACU.


Program for homeless helping more of manKIND

A new program at Adelaide’s Hutt St Centre is providing much-needed support and connection for men at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Source: The Southern Cross.

Peace Sacraments

Want peace? Go to confession: Cardinal

Peacemaking begins in people’s own hearts by reconciling with themselves and God through the sacrament of confession, a Vatican cardinal said this week. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope asks faithful to pray for him this month

In “The Pope Video” for November, Pope Francis asks the faithful to “Pray to the Lord that He will bless me”, saying, “Your prayer gives me strength and helps me to discern and to accompany the Church, listening to the Holy Spirit”. Source: Vatican News.

Abuse crisis

Spain’s bishops apologise for abuse but say estimated number of victims a ‘media lie’

Spain’s Catholic bishops have apologised for sexual abuses committed by Church members but have dismissed as a “lie” media interpretations of a report by Spain’s ombudsman that said there were hundreds of thousands of Church-related victims. Source: NCR Online.