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First Nations Politics

Yes supporter Fr Brennan says referendum creating ‘a hell of a mess’

Indigenous Voice to Parliament supporter Fr Frank Brennan SJ says the referendum has “created a hell of a mess” and sent race relations in Australia backwards. Source: The Australian. 

Bishops Synod

Bishop Randazzo: Conversion can be achieved through Christ

Personal and communal conversion is possible when a pastoral mission begins and ends with Jesus Christ, Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo told fellow participants in the Synod on Synodality on Monday. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Appointment Health

Catholic Health Australia appoints new CEO

Catholic Health Australia has appointed Jason Kara as its new chief executive officer to steer the peak advocacy body at a “critical time for the care sector”.

Immigration Refugees

Border Force confirms last detainees removed from Christmas Island

The Christmas Island detention centre has been emptied, with all remaining detainees brought to the Australian mainland, the Australian Border Force has revealed. Source: The Guardian.


Cairns to host 2025 Australian Catholic Education Conference

Cairns Diocese will host the next Australian Catholic Education Conference from August 20-22, 2025, the National Catholic Education Commission has announced.


Provider aims to ‘build hope through housing’

A little-known development in the community housing sector in South Australia is starting to pay dividends as new opportunities are sought to “build hope through housing”. Source: The Southern Cross.

Pope Francis Prayer Synod

Pope releases his prayer intention for October

Pope Francis has released his prayer intention for the month of October and invited everyone to embrace listening and dialogue through the Synod on Synodality that begins today. Source: Vatican News.


Singapore roundtable calls for more studies on Catholicism in Asia

Academic scholars have stressed the need for more focus and effort on studies on richness and diversity of Catholicism in Asia, which they say remain largely underdeveloped. Source: UCA News.

Doctrine Vatican

Pope’s new doctrine chief touts ‘democratic system’ for handling queries

Pope Francis’ new doctrine chief has said he believes a revised structure for his department is working well, and now includes a “democratic system” for handling queries or complaints that prohibits him from making unilateral decisions. Source: Crux.