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Articles By This Author

Digital Life

Bishops Conference launches new website

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has launched a new website – with the address – bringing together the and websites. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Schools to roll out training to fight racism and gendered violence

Programs to tackle “racism and gendered violence” will be delivered at Edmund Rice Education Australia’s Victorian schools to help address women’s safety and behavioural issues that have emerged at some campuses. Source: The Age.

In The Dioceses Seniors

Queensland priest in the running for seniors gong

Mount Isa priest Fr Mick Lowcock is in the running for the 2023 Queensland Senior Australian of the Year Award to be announced next week. Source: The Catholic Leader.

First Nations

Uluru Statement co-chairs want referendum ‘sooner rather than later’

Uluru Statement from the Heart co-chair Pat Anderson has urged the Albanese Government to not waste “momentum” for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, calling for a referendum on the constitutional change sooner rather than later. Source: The Guardian.

Social Services Tasmania

Program brings prisoners and their families together

A CatholicCare Tasmania program is helping prisoners strengthen their relationships with their children and build positive connections with their families and communities. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Abuse crisis Benedict XVI

Benedict to mount legal defence over accusation of abuse cover-up

Former Pope Benedict XVI plans to defend himself in a civil lawsuit lodged at a German court by a man who accuses him of helping to cover up historical abuse. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Climate Environment

No climate justice without land justice: African bishops

As the United Nations climate change conference unfolds in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh, Catholic bishops in Africa are warning that there cannot be climate justice without land justice. Source: CNS.

Climate Vatican

World leaders have ‘moral obligation’ to act on climate change

Cardinal Pietro Parolin has told world leaders in Egypt for the United Nations climate summit that they have a “a moral obligation” to safeguard the planet and to offer aid to people suffering the “humanitarian impacts caused by climate change”. Source: CNS.

Anniversary Poverty Social Services

Minister salutes Centacare and raises ‘one of the biggest issues’

The urgent need to tackle generational poverty and disadvantage was highlighted by South Australian Human Services Minister Nat Cook at Centacare Catholic Family Service’s 80th anniversary. Source: The Southern Cross.