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Articles By This Author


Women ‘must be included’ in formation of priests

One of the Church’s leading experts on safeguarding and clerical sexual abuse says the exclusion of women from seminary formation has had “extremely harmful consequences” and this “needs to change”. Source: Crux.

First Nations Religious

Partnership aims to turn good intentions into action

Catholic Religious Australia has partnered with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council to launch a new training program to help increase understanding of Australia’s First Peoples.

Charity Natural disasters

Vinnies launches Victoria flood appeal

As the rains came down, rivers swelled and floods began to affect Victorian communities in recent weeks, the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria was contacted by people wanting to help. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Middle East Papal Trip

Pope appeals to Bahrain to strengthen human rights

Pope Francis began a four-day visit to Bahrain yesterday by appealing to the country to strengthen its commitment to human rights through the abolition of the death penalty and ending religious discrimination. Source: NCR Online.


Interfaith event opens the door to ‘our common home’

The idea that people of faith have a shared responsibility to protect “our common home” was the theme of this year’s Abraham Day event hosted by the University of Notre Dame Australia in Fremantle. Source: The eRecord.

Film Review

Marvel elements diminish effect of remarkable story

The Woman King tells the remarkable story of the Agojie, the all-female unit of warriors who protected the West African Kingdom of Dahomey in the 1800s. Source: Jesuit Media.


Christian monastery possibly pre-dating Islam found in UAE

A Christian monastery, possibly dating to the years before Islam spread across the Arabian Peninsula, has been discovered on an island off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, officials announced yesterday. Source: Crux.

Abuse crisis Western Australia

WA religious ministers must report abuse

Ministers of religion in Western Australia are now legally required to report child sexual abuse, including information from confessions. Source: AAP.


Real change takes time, which the extended Synod gives us

When Pope Francis decided to extend the Synod on Synodality into 2024, I was pleased and a little relieved, writes Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge. Source: NCR Online.