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Police petition to ban protest at Cardinal Pell’s funeral

New South Wales police are seeking a court order to block a protest outside Cardinal George Pell’s funeral tomorrow because of “safety concerns”. Source: The Australian.

Africa Pope Francis

Pope begins Africa visit by condemning exploitation of continent 

Pope Francis kicked off a six-day visit to Africa yesterday with a harsh condemnation of the violent colonialist history of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the greedy exploitation of the African continent’s vast resources by wealthy global elites. Source: Crux.

Budget Finance

Chalmers taps banks and super to fix social disadvantage

Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers is working on plans to attract banks and superannuation funds to set up a social impact investing fund in the May Budget to tackle “entrenched disadvantage”. Source: Australian Financial Review.

Abuse crisis

L’Arche publishes Vanier abuse report

An independent commission set up by L’Arche International has released a report on the abuse carried out by Jean Vanier, the founder of the first L’Arche communities where people with and without learning disabilities live together. Source: The Tablet.


Videos to show rites and rituals of Japan’s ‘hidden Christians’

Descendants of Japanese Christians who endured persecution in the 17th to 19th centuries have launched an initiative to showcase traditional Christian rites and rituals, which they say are forgotten due to declining followers and modernisation. Source: UCA News.

Bishops Oceania Synod

Oceans, synodality among key themes for Oceania bishops

Dozens of bishops will descend on Fiji this weekend for the quadrennial gathering of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania to reflect on and pray about their shared mission in the region.

Cost Of Living Housing

Families falling short, even with Commonwealth rental assistance

A national coalition of welfare organisations has called on the Albanese Government to increase rent assistance payments by at least 50 per cent as more Australians seek financial assistance to pay for housing. Source: ABC News.

First Nations Politics

Yes and no Voice campaigns battle for migrant vote

Migrants will be told to vote “yes” for an Indigenous Voice at religious services, in ethnic newspapers and through non-English radio stations, while No campaigners will tell migrants to reject the notion that Australia is racist. Source: The Age.

Education New South Wales

Perrottet defends faith as former school comes under fire

The New South Wales Education Standards Authority is investigating Sydney schools linked to the Catholic group Opus Dei. Source: SBS News.