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Education University

ACU awards top honour to Ungunmerr-Baumann

Aboriginal elder, educator and artist Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann has received a Doctor of the University (Honoris Causa) from Australian Catholic University.


Number of older homeless women ‘to double in a decade’

A major new report by progressive think tank Per Capita has found that the number of homeless women over 55 is expected to double in less than a decade. Source: CSSA.

Disability Health

New health guide aims to fill gaps for caregivers

Helping caregivers to better understand and meet the health care needs of people living with a cognitive impairment or intellectual disability is the aim of a new health literacy guide published by The University of Notre Dame Australia.

Bishops Indigenous

Reconciliation is a primary task of Christians: bishop

Brisbane Auxiliary Bishop Tim Norton SVD has called on Catholics to be “bridge builders” and “mediators” in reconciliation with First Nations Australians. Source: Catholic Leader

In The Dioceses

Blessing of the fleet back on board

Glorious Sydney sunshine, the smell of cooking paella and the refrains of Ave Maria banished the rain and gloom for the triumphant return of the well-loved blessing of the fleet at Sydney’s Fish Markets. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Parish brings HOPe to regional city’s most vulnerable

A Catholic church in Tamworth, New South Wales, is helping to bring HOPe to the city’s vulnerable homeless citizens with the launch of a new soup kitchen. Source: Northern Daily Leader.

Pope Francis

Know your spiritual passwords: Pope

Pope Francis shared a spiritual life hack for discernment at his general audience yesterday: the “spiritual life, too, has its passwords.” Source: CNA.

Crisis World

Sri Lankan bishop meets president to discuss crisis

New President Ranil Wickremesinghe has met with the head of the Sri Lankan Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Harold Anthony Perera, to discuss Catholic religious affairs and the country’s current crisis. Source: Vatican News.


Teachers paid more, parents pay more in Australia: report

A new international report shows Australian teachers are paid more than their counterparts in other rich nations, and the country spends more on education generally, but relies more heavily on private tuition fees. Source: SMH.