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Abuse crisis Europe

Polish Church condemns abuse charges against John Paul II

Polish Church leaders have reacted angrily to new claims that St John Paul II covered up clerical sexual abuse while serving as Archbishop of Krakow before his papal election and vowed to “defend his good name”. Source: The Tablet.

Abuse crisis

Abuse a clear and present danger: Pope

Establishing clear procedures for protecting vulnerable people against abuse “must become a priority in every local church”, Pope Francis has told a Latin American congress. Source: NCR Online.

Abuse crisis Europe

Polish bishops and experts reject allegations St John Paul II covered up abuse

The Polish Bishops’ Conference says that “further archival research” is needed to fairly assess a new allegation, based on communist secret police records, that St John Paul II covered up child sexual abuse by a priest while serving as the archbishop of Krakow. Source: CNA.

Abuse crisis Prayer

Pope calls for prayers for victims of abuse

Pope Francis has dedicated this month to praying for victims of abuse, saying simply asking forgiveness is not enough, but the Church must put victims first and avoid cover-up. Source: Crux.

Abuse crisis United States

Report claiming McCarrick not competent to stand trial challenged

United States prosecutors are challenging the medical report claiming former cardinal Theodore McCarrick is not competent to stand trial on charges he sexually abused a teenager in the 1970s. Source: OSV News.

Abuse crisis

New restrictions against Jesuit possible after credible abuse accusations

The Society of Jesus said it will open a new internal investigation on Fr Marko Rupnik SJ after receiving abuse accusations with a “very high” degree of credibility against the artist. Source: CNA.

Abuse crisis Retreat

Funding scheme offers healing for victims of Church abuse

People who have been abused or harmed in Church or other settings and are seeking healing may be eligible for a new funding scheme available in 2023. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Abuse crisis Europe

Independent commission releases report on abuse in Church in Portugal

At least 4815 children were sexually abused by members of the Church in Portugal over the past 70 years, according to a report by the commission investigating the issue. Source: Reuters.

Abuse crisis

L’Arche publishes Vanier abuse report

An independent commission set up by L’Arche International has released a report on the abuse carried out by Jean Vanier, the founder of the first L’Arche communities where people with and without learning disabilities live together. Source: The Tablet.