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Aged Care

Government makes ‘no apologies’ for ambitious health care policy

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says his Government makes “no apology” for its ambitious 24/7 nursing requirement for aged care facilities, despite warnings that struggling providers will shut down if they can’t fill rosters. Source: The New Daily.

Aged Care

Fast-tracked government reforms blamed for aged care closures

Two hundred aged care residents will soon be looking for new accommodation, with providers saying fast-tracked reforms have forced the closure of three Sydney homes. Source: Daily Telegraph.

Aged Care

Health and aged-care precinct ‘sets new benchmark’

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli has officially blessed and opened Calvary Health Care’s new landmark retirement living, health and aged-care precinct, Calvary Kooyong. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Aged Care Schools

Good eggs bring Easter joy to the young at heart

Students at St Declan’s primary school in Penshurst, Sydney, take their school motto, “Bringing the love of God to life in people”, very seriously. Source: Catholic Weekly.

Aged Care

Catholic aged care providers pledge to pass on funding to workers

Catholic Health Australia’s aged care providers are committing to fully pass on the Commonwealth’s funding for pay rises to their staff.

Aged Care

Sector calls for incentives for aged care workers to study nursing

Student loans should be waived for aged care workers looking to upgrade their qualifications to nursing to build up the skilled workforce needed to deliver 24/7 care in nursing homes, according to a peak advocacy group. Source: The Australian. 

Aged Care

Aged care reforms will require 25,000 new workers over two years

Around-the-clock nursing in aged care and mandated time spent caring for each nursing home resident will create a shortfall of about 25,000 workers in two years’ time. Source: The Age.

Aged Care

VincentCare to exit in-home aged care in Victoria

VincentCare and its parent organisation St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria has made the “difficult decision” to cease its involvement in Home Care Packages due to “significant changes” to Commonwealth Government aged-care funding. Source: ABC News.

Aged Care

Right to unpaid carer leave would affect very few: Productivity Commission

Working Australians with an elderly loved one would prefer more flexible employment arrangements than a newly enshrined right to extended unpaid carer leave, the Productivity Commission says. Source: The Australian.