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Charity Ukraine

Pope pleads for just and lasting peace in Ukraine

Pope Francis yesterday lamented the deaths, injuries, destruction and anguish of the past two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine – a period, he said, “that is becoming terribly long and whose end is not yet in sight”. Source: Vatican News. 

Charity Family Violence Women

Vinnies opens refuge for women escaping domestic violence

The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW has opened a new purpose-built women’s refuge in Western Sydney, which will provide supported crisis accommodation for women over 45 who are seeking refuge from domestic and family violence.

Charity Homelessness

Vinnies calls for more government funding to ease homelessness crisis

The St Vincent de Paul Society says a newly released report on people accessing specialist homelessness services “paints a deeply disturbing picture” of the nation’s housing crisis.

Charity Project Compassion

Supporting Project Compassion a way ‘to proclaim the faith in our hearts’

Caritas Australia has launched its annual Lenten fundraising and awareness appeal, Project Compassion, this year with the theme “For All Future Generations”.

Charity Cost Of Living Mission

Emmanuel City Mission sees surge in demand

More people are seeing their budgets slip into the red with rises in rent, fuel and power bills, and the staff at Brisbane’s Emmanuel City Mission are seeing more newcomers through their door. Source: The Catholic Leader. 

Charity Middle East

Caritas Australia responds to Gaza famine warning

After 100 days of conflict in the Israel-Hamas war, the entire population of Gaza faces a growing risk of famine, says Caritas Australia.

Charity Foreign Aid

Caritas and Catholic community ‘offer a beacon of light and hope’

Caritas Australia has announced that more than 760,000 people were directly supported through its long-term programs and emergency responses over a 12-month period.

Charity Natural disasters

Queensland Government kickstarts flood appeal with $1.5m donation

The St Vincent de Paul Society in Queensland is one of five charities to receive funds from the Miles Government to help the state’s flood victims in the wake of Cyclone Jasper. Source: Sky News Australia. 

Charity Foreign Aid Ukraine

Caritas support continues as Ukrainians face second winter of conflict

The Caritas Australia Ukraine Crisis Appeal continues to assist 32 Caritas-Spes Ukraine centres, with the project focused on meeting the basic needs of vulnerable internally displaced people and other war-affected households.