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Cost Of Living Housing

Less than one per cent of rentals affordable for Aussies on minimum wage

Less than one per cent of available rental properties across the country are affordable for a person earning the minimum wage, a new Anglicare Australia report has revealed. Source:

Cost Of Living

Interest-free loans program to aid families fighting cost-of-living pressures

The Sydney Archdiocese is championing the Sisters of Saint Joseph’s interest-free loan program, which aims to help ease cost-of-living pressures for Australians. 

Cost Of Living

Bishops call for urgent action to address cost-of-living pressures

Financial pressures on low- and middle-income families have made responding to the cost of living one of the country’s most important and urgent policy issues, Australia’s bishops told the Senate Select Committee on the Cost of Living. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Cost Of Living

Catholic Church backs 7.2 per cent minimum wage increase

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has told the Fair Work Commission a 7.2 per cent increase in the minimum wage is needed to protect workers at risk of poverty – and analysis shows it is affordable.

Cost Of Living

Cost of living pushes working families to access food relief

The surging cost of living is not only driving record demand for food relief, it has led to a significant shift in the demographics of those seeking help. Source: The Australian.

Cost Of Living Politics

Burke hints at minimum wage rise in line with inflation

Australia’s lowest-paid workers could soon be in line for a pay rise as the Albanese Government indicates it will back a push for the minimum wage to increase in line with inflation. Source:

Charity Cost Of Living

Vinnies urges Government to lift income support payments

St Vincent de Paul Society national president Claire Victory said the latest interest rate increase was another setback for Australians struggling to survive the cost-of-living crisis.

Cost Of Living Housing

Albanese Government’s $10b housing fund to target homelessness

The Federal Government will invest $10 billion in a housing future fund, set to be the single biggest investment in social and affordable housing in a decade. Source: The Australian.

Cost Of Living Housing

Families falling short, even with Commonwealth rental assistance

A national coalition of welfare organisations has called on the Albanese Government to increase rent assistance payments by at least 50 per cent as more Australians seek financial assistance to pay for housing. Source: ABC News.