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Catholic sector welcomes Commonwealth education review

The National Catholic Education Commission has welcomed the Albanese Government’s “holistic approach” to reviewing education reform in the early childhood, school and tertiary education sectors.


New look for Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools has launched a new brand and visual identity, which aims to bring to life the purpose of its schools – to inspire and enable every student to flourish and enrich the world.


New co-educational Catholic precinct for Sydney’s Northern Beaches

Catholic Schools Broken Bay has revealed a new educational pathway for 2023 that will continue to transform Catholic education in the diocese.

Education Formation

Opus Dei study centre lodges plans to expand

An Opus Dei study centre in northwest Sydney is looking to expand as the reach and popularity of the Catholic group grows. Source: Hills Shire Times.


Career-changers to help fill NSW teacher shortage

A collaboration between Catholic education in the Parramatta and Bathurst dioceses and the not-for-profit Teach For Australia will see eight career-changers become teachers in Western Sydney schools next year. Source: ABC News.

Education Religious

Trial program gets positive response from students

High school students who participated in an alternative religious education program that prioritised dialogue and access to media and technology found talking about religion more personally valuable than formally studying it, new Australian Catholic University research has found.

Education People

School’s out for education chief after almost 50 years

Almost 50 years ago, a young Gerard Mowbray threw on his safari suit and took up his first teaching post at St Mary’s High, Gateshead, New South Wales – an all-girls school led by the Josephite Sisters. Source: MNnews.Today.


Broken Bay awards program tackles major teacher shortage

A new campaign to address the unprecedented teacher shortage has seen 22 pre-service teachers awarded a total of $205,000 in scholarships and secure placements to Catholic Schools Broken Bay for 2023 and beyond.


Virtual classes help regional schools expand

A virtual learning model is supporting the expansion of two schools in the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese. Source: Catholic Voice.