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Migrants United Kingdom

UK bishops emphasise dignity in new document on migrants 

The bishops of England and Wales have published a document on the Catholic response to refugees and migrants, days after the bishops conference’s lead on the subject criticised the British Government’s Illegal Migration Bill. Source: The Tablet.

Disability Migrants

Visa hope for Down syndrome kids as Minister overturns family’s rejection

Families of children with Down syndrome seeking visas to stay in Australia are feeling hopeful after a Perth family was granted permanent residency following a ministerial intervention – but discrimination remains. Source: SBS News.

Disability Migrants

Perth family of boy with Down syndrome urges minister to stop deportation

A Perth family facing deportation because their child has Down syndrome is pleading with Immigration Minister Andrew Giles to intervene in the case. Source: SBS News.

Families Migrants

Migration rules could split Catholic family

After 17 years in Australia, the Donagemma family is praying that they won’t be forced apart by immigration rules when their youngest daughter desperately needs them to stay together. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Europe Migrants

Pope prays for migrants lost at sea in latest Mediterranean tragedy

Pope Francis and leaders of the Church in Italy have expressed their pain and sent prayers for the eternal rest of at least 59 migrants who died in a shipwreck yesterday off the southern coast of Italy. Source: ACI Prensa.


Release of detained immigrants a ‘sudden, fantastic relief’

About 100 people held in immigration detention centres across Australia were released in the few days before Christmas. Source: SBS News.

Human Rights Migrants Refugees

Exploitation of migrant workers happening across Australia

Migrants and refugees working in New South Wales’ Hunter region face complex challenges, including wage theft, according to new research by the University of Newcastle in collaboration with Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH).

Migrants Religious Freedom

Tehan warns migrants might not come to Australia

Opposition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan says migrants with religious views may be deterred from coming to Australia because political correctness has eroded their freedoms and cowed others from speaking out in defence. Source: The Australian.

Migrants World

Church in Vietnam to focus on migrant communities

Catholic priests from all dioceses in Vietnam attending a major national conference have been told to work together and prioritise care for migrant communities at home and abroad. Source: UCAnews.