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First Nations Opinion

Apology helps frame conversation about Voice 

Today’s 15th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations will help frame the conversation about the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum, writes Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ. Source: Catholic Outlook.


L’Arche transcends crimes of its founder

Despite the revelations of abuse by its founder Jean Vanier, the communities of L’Arche have remained intact and welcoming with safety protocols in place, writes Fr Justin Glyn SJ. Source: Eureka Street.

Modern Slavery Opinion

Catholic organisations unite in battle to end modern slavery

The fight to end slavery demands patience, perseverance and courage from everyone, writes John McCarthy. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 


Albanese Government makes good start for the dispossessed

The Albanese Government has begun implementing a far-reaching agenda, particularly as it relates to many of Australia’s most marginal and disadvantaged, writes Catholic Social Services Australia chair Francis Sullivan. 

Abuse crisis Opinion

Five years on from royal commission, we must recognise legacy of abuse

Five years on from the final report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, the lived experiences of “forgotten Australians” must be recognised and acknowledged, writes Ursula Stephens. Source: ACSL.


Homeowners and renters hit hard by rate rises

The big losers from interest rates hikes aren’t just homeowners but also low-income renters who are paying more than half of their earnings just trying to keep a roof over their heads, writes Catholic Social Services Australia chair Francis Sullivan.

First Nations Opinion

Nastiness must stop in our debate over the Voice

The recent public debate about Indigenous recognition in the Constitution has gone pear-shaped, and with a mark of nastiness that is not only unbecoming but also unhelpful, writes Fr Frank Brennan SJ. Source: The Australian.

Opinion Volunteers

Vinnies celebrates its unsung heroes on Volunteer Day

International Volunteer Day provides an opportunity to celebrate the contribution of St Vincent de Paul Society members and volunteers to Australian life and society, writes national president Claire Victory.

Opinion Poverty

Why we need a special day to see the poor

World Day of the Poor was marked yesterday. It deserves special attention because, as we all know, the rich get 364 days. There is just one for the poor, writes Michael McGirr. Source: Eureka Street.