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Faith’s freedom narrows after Calvary

With the ACT Government’s takeover of the former Calvary Public Hospital Bruce, many now wonder whether people of faith are even welcome in social, civic and government spaces, writes Patrick McArdle. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Health Opinion

Fears over anti-Catholic bias as government rips up hospital contract

The ACT Government has trashed the sanctity of Australian property rights with a rash and heavy-handed takeover of the Catholic-run Calvary Hospital in Canberra, writes Senator Matt Canavan. Source: The Courier Mail.

Education Opinion

Education funding debate derailed by ‘elite schools’ stereotypes

If you thought we would see the end of the school funding wars with the introduction of a fairer, needs-based funding model, think again, writes National Catholic Education Commission executive director Jacinta Collins. Source: The Age.

Asia Opinion

Catholicism in Asia becoming ‘increasingly significant’ 

The Church in Europe, Latin America and Africa tends to dominate coverage of global Catholicism. However, Catholicism in Asia is no less noteworthy and will become increasingly significant in the decades to come, writes Daniel Ang. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Archbishop Prowse says hospital takeover sets dangerous precedent

The actions of the ACT Government to compulsorily acquire the Calvary Public Hospital creates a dangerous and unpredictable precedent, writes Canberra-Goulburn Archbishop Christopher Prowse. Source: The Australian.


Labor may need to compromise on Voice to win key Liberals’ support

This one and only parliamentary opportunity to bring at least some of the Coalition on board to support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament should not be squandered, writes Fr Frank Brennan SJ. Source: Sydney Morning Herald. 

Easter Opinion

How Christianity can grow again in the West

This Easter it’s hard not to be a bit pessimistic – war in Ukraine, talk of war in Asia, endless other troubles. Christianity in the West is approaching two crisis points, writes Greg Sheridan. Source: The Australian.


Voice debate a conversation about the nation’s soul

Australians must have their say on Voice to Parliament legislation “respectfully and cautiously” because “we are talking about the nation’s soul”, writes Fr Frank Brennan SJ. Source: The Australian.

First Nations Opinion

Stepping towards referendum on Voice to Parliament

What are Catholics to think about the proposed referendum on the Voice to Parliament, asks Fr Frank Brennan SJ. Source: The Catholic Weekly.