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Pope Francis Synodality

Pope calls on local churches to implement Synod proposals

Pope Francis yesterday published a note calling on local churches to accept and implement proposals from the final document of the Synod of Bishops on synodality. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Youth

Pope urges young people not to get carried away by illusions

Marking the Solemnity of Christ the King and the close of the liturgical year, Pope Francis presided over Mass in St Peter’s Basilica yesterday, urging young Catholics to reject superficial acclaim and embrace authentic Christian witness. Source: CNA.

Education Pope Francis

Schools should be centres of formation, not achievement factories: Pope

Culture and education must go hand-in-hand to form students into agents of social change driven by hope, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Ukraine

Pope prays for peace in letter marking 1000 days since Ukraine invasion

Pope Francis prayed for a conversion of hearts and a start to dialogue, reconciliation and peace in a letter marking 1000 days since Russia launched its large-scale invasion of Ukraine. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Poverty

Pope urges the Church, governments and organisations to help the poor

On the World Day of the Poor yesterday, Pope Francis called on Christians to practice a faith that inspires action, urging the Church, governments and organisations to assist the poor and marginalised. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Saints

Pope calls for annual celebration honouring the ‘saints next door’

Pope Francis wants dioceses worldwide to shine a spotlight on their “saints next door” every year on November 9. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Saints

Martyrdom the most convincing testimony to hope: Pope

Christian martyrs from across denominations hold a place of honour in the Church, Pope Francis said yesterday, highlighting their examples of faith and courage that continue to inspire Christians today. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Prayer

Rosary a simple tool accessible to everyone: Pope

Pope Francis has called for a rediscovery of the Rosary’s ability to evangelise the Church, in his letter commemorating 150 years since the painting of Our Lady of the Rosary arrived at the Italian Shrine of Pompeii. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis

Holy Spirit comes to aid us in our weakness: Pope

The Holy Spirit helps the faithful understand that praying to God is praying to a loving and merciful father, Pope Francis said at his general audience. Source: CNS.