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Pope Francis

Pope Francis rules out ordaining women deacons

Pope Francis expressed firm opposition to the idea of ordaining Catholic women as deacons in a new television interview, raising doubts about the possibility that the ongoing three-year synodal process could move forward on the issue. Source: NCR Online and Crux.

Pope Francis

Gentleness and power found in Holy Spirit: Pope

Christians are called to proclaim the Gospel to everyone with gentleness and the power of the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis said on Pentecost yesterday. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Women

Pope reflects on women’s leadership in TV interview

In the first-ever extended papal interview with an English-language broadcaster, Pope Francis reiterated his embrace of women’s leadership in the Church. Source: The Tablet.

Catechesis Pope Francis

True charity comes from God: Pope Francis

Pope Francis turned his thoughts to the theological virtue of charity yesterday as he continued his series of catechesis on the vices and the virtues. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Seniors

Do not cast off the elderly, Pope Francis urges

Pope Francis has urged families around the world to remain close to grandparents and senior family members, imploring people to spend time with older relatives who may be facing “solitude and abandonment”. Source: CNA.

Families Pope Francis

Human life is a gift, not a problem: Pope Francis

Blind, unbridled consumerism and selfishness – not the number of people on the planet having children – are the root causes of the world’s problems, Pope Francis said. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Ukraine

Ukraine and Russia must release prisoners: Pope

Pope Francis has again appealed for a “general exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine”. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope invites faithful to rediscover the great value of praying the Rosary

Pope Francis has entrusted to the Blessed Mother people suffering from wars and conflicts around the world, and invited the faithful to rediscover the great value of praying the Rosary. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Priesthood

Church could not go on without you, Pope tells parish priests

Pope Francis published a letter yesterday addressed to all parish priests in the world with his advice for building a missionary Church in which all the baptised share in the mission of proclaiming the Gospel. Source: CNA.