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Families Pope Francis

Human life is a gift, not a problem: Pope Francis

Blind, unbridled consumerism and selfishness – not the number of people on the planet having children – are the root causes of the world’s problems, Pope Francis said. Source: CNS.


European bishops urge reflection ahead of election

Two of Europe’s leading prelates have penned a letter ahead of the European Union parliamentary elections next month, stressing the importance of solidifying European unity and identity. Source: Crux.


Federal Budget sets aside billions for wage rises

Treasurer Jim Chalmers is setting billions of dollars aside in Tuesday’s Budget for wage increases in the aged care and child care sectors, as the Fair Work Commission mulls over pay rises for employees in the female-dominated industries. Source: The Australian.


Talks continue on Calvary hospital compensation

The ACT Government is yet to pay Calvary the full compensation for its forcible acquisition of its public hospital in Canberra, with the two sides still negotiating the final amount payable to the Catholic health care organisation. Source: Canberra Times.

Education Religious Freedom

Faith is under attack, says federal coalition

Pressure is mounting on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over religious discrimination laws with parents and teachers declaring the proposed changes an attack on faith-based schools. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Pope urges theologians to connect with experts

Pope Francis says theologians must engage with experts in other fields as they investigate and explain the Christian faith because faith in God is not abstract but affects the way people live and interact with others. Source: NCR Online.


Albanese strikes housing agreement with states

Australians will be promised $12.3 billion in new housing programs in a Budget pitch to ease fears of chronic shortages, with new support for women and children who need shelter after fleeing domestic violence. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Mental Health Women

Mater provides help for mums with eating disorders

An online pilot project designed to support new mums with eating disorders is under way at Mater Mothers’ Hospitals in Townsville and South Brisbane. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Pope Francis Ukraine

Ukraine and Russia must release prisoners: Pope

Pope Francis has again appealed for a “general exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine”. Source: Vatican News.