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Anzac Day

Anzac Day Mass honours ‘generosity’ of servicemen and women

Military dignitaries, federal and local politicians, clergy and members of the diplomatic corps representing 27 nations attended the National Anzac Day Mass at St Christopher’s Cathedral in Canberra yesterday. Source: Catholic Voice.

Cost Of Living

Interest-free loans program to aid families fighting cost-of-living pressures

The Sydney Archdiocese is championing the Sisters of Saint Joseph’s interest-free loan program, which aims to help ease cost-of-living pressures for Australians. 

Appointment Religious Orders

General secretary elected provincial, to leave Bishops Conference

Fr Stephen Hackett MSC has been elected provincial superior of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Australia and will conclude his time as general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in July. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Politics Welfare

Chalmers facing growing internal division over JobSeeker

Treasurer Jim Chalmers is facing growing internal division over his decision to reject a core $24 billion recommendation from his Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee to raise JobSeeker by 40 per cent to just under $1000 a fortnight. Source: The Australian. 


Teacher shortage may force Canberra schools to return to remote learning

ACT schools may have to resort to remote learning in term 2 as educators brace for staff shortages due to winter illnesses and the nationwide teacher shortage. Source: Canberra Times. 


Celebrating 125 years of Madonna magazine

Wings for the Soul is a collection of pieces by long-time Madonna editor Fr Chris Gleeson SJ, released to mark the 125th anniversary of the Jesuit publication. Source: Jesuit Communications. 

Euthanasia Vatican

Pontifical Academy for Life responds to anger over euthanasia comments

The Pontifical Academy for Life says its president is against assisted suicide but thinks it is possible to have a “legal initiative” that would allow it to be decriminalised in Italy under “specific and particular conditions”. Source: CNA.

Abuse crisis

Vatican authorities collaborate to improve help for abuse victims

The heads of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors and a section of the Dicastery for Evangelisation have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at improving assistance to abuse victims, local churches and bishops in mission countries. Source: CNS.

Papal Trip Pope Francis

Pope Francis hopes to visit Argentina next year

Pope Francis said he hopes to travel to his native Argentina in 2024, which would mark the first time he would set foot in his homeland since becoming pontiff a decade ago. Source: AP.