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Shorten outlines key areas of reform in NDIS ‘reboot’

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is set to undergo serious and systemic reform to ensure it continues to meet people’s needs in the long term. Source: SBS News.


Vatican announces theme for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Pope Francis has chosen “His mercy is from age to age”, a passage from the Gospel of Luke, as the theme for the 2023 celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Source: CNS.

Politics Welfare

Experts call for ‘substantial’ increase in income support payments

A group tasked by the Albanese Government to examine income support payments says they are “seriously inadequate”. Source: ABC News.


Turning Ministers of the Word from readers to proclaimers

Ministers of the Word are commonly referred to as readers in Australian parishes, but liturgical educator Cathy Murrowood says that when this ministry is performed, something more profound than reading words from a page is taking place. Source: ACU.

Legal Matters

Religious jurors more likely to find secular defendants guilty

A new study has found that defendants who swear a secular affirmation are more likely to be found guilty by religious jurors than those who swear on a book of scripture like the Bible or Koran. Source: The Australian.

Human Rights Media Religion

Religious affairs category added to journalism’s Kennedy Awards

The national Kennedy Awards for outstanding journalism has introduced a new category, acknowledging the important role that human rights, day-to-day social issues and religion play in society.


Health Minister to address Catholic sector’s annual conference

Federal Health Minister Mark Butler will speak at Catholic Health Australia’s annual conference in Perth in August.


Papal academy launches ‘observatory’ to evaluate Marian apparitions

The Pontifical International Marian Academy has created a commission to study and monitor cases of possible Marian apparitions and other mystical phenomena. Source: NCR Online.

Abuse crisis United States

Former cardinal McCarrick faces new abuse charge

Former cardinal Theodore McCarrick faces a new charge of sexual assault in the US state of Wisconsin, in addition to those he is battling in a Massachusetts court. Source: OSV News.