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Pope Francis

Pope taken to hospital with respiratory infection

After having difficulty breathing yesterday, Pope Francis has been diagnosed with a respiratory infection that will require treatment in hospital for several days. Source: OSV News.


Oceania bishops finalise response to Synod’s working document

Representatives of the four bishops conferences in Oceania have approved the region’s final response to the working document published last October for the Synod of Bishops for a Synodal Church. Source: FCBCO.

Cost Of Living Politics

Burke hints at minimum wage rise in line with inflation

Australia’s lowest-paid workers could soon be in line for a pay rise as the Albanese Government indicates it will back a push for the minimum wage to increase in line with inflation. Source:


Fr Zollner resigns from Vatican safeguarding commission

A founding member of Pope Francis’ child protection advisory board has resigned, citing a host of problems inside the commission and in its relationship with the Vatican bureaucracy. Source: Crux.


Vinnies calls on Australians to support refugees on Palm Sunday 

The St Vincent de Paul Society is urging Australians to march for refugee justice on Palm Sunday, with rallies to be held across the country this weekend.

Charity Foreign Aid

You can help poor communities, bishop tells students

Sydney Auxiliary Bishop Richard Umbers has urged Catholic school students to reflect more deeply on the challenges faced by communities living in poverty overseas and consider practical ways to offer them ongoing help. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Vatican halts plan to rebuild Christchurch cathedral

The Vatican’s supreme court has stepped into Christchurch Diocese’s contentious building program, swiftly halting plans that include a new cathedral in the central city. Source:

HIgher Education

New research says university students can learn empathy in their degrees

University students who complete community placements as part of their degrees develop a greater sense of empathy than those who just learn theory, new research has found. Source: ACU.

Liturgy Vatican

Supporters of Latin Mass mount billboard campaign

A group of Traditional Latin Mass supporters in Italy has sponsored a billboard campaign in a neighbourhood near the Vatican. Source: CNA.