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Abuse crisis

Pope broadens rules for investigating abuse allegations

Pope Francis has updated the procedures for investigating sexual abuse allegations, specifying that leaders of international Catholic lay associations and movements have the same responsibilities over their members that bishops have over diocesan priests. Source: CNS.

Aged Care

Sector calls for incentives for aged care workers to study nursing

Student loans should be waived for aged care workers looking to upgrade their qualifications to nursing to build up the skilled workforce needed to deliver 24/7 care in nursing homes, according to a peak advocacy group. Source: The Australian. 


Jewish community says bishops’ document ‘reflects true friendship’

The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council has congratulated the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference on its new publication, Walking Together: Catholics with Jews in the Australian Context.

Charity Foreign Aid

Caritas hears the cries of the desperate

After driving down a dry riverbed, 18 kilometres from the nearest road, Caritas Australia chief Kirsty Robertson arrived at the Ethiopian village where the charity worked and met a woman named Mali. Source: The Catholic Leader.

China Persecution

Catholics in China suffering ‘intense persecution’

As was the case in the 1950s, when the communists came to power, Catholics in China are suffering “intense persecution”, according to Dr Steven Mosher, president of the United States-based Population Research Institute. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.


Report: Two in five Australians gamble every week

Three-quarters of Australians have gambled at least once in the past year while almost two in five gamble weekly, new data shows. Source: Canberra Times.


Trigger powers to 102 on the back of a Harley

Mercy Place Colac resident Les Trigg has achieved a lifelong dream by taking a ride on a Harley Davidson through the streets of the Victorian town. Source: Mercy Health.

United States

US bishops reject ‘eco-friendly’ alternatives to burial and cremation 

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops doctrine committee has confirmed that two new alternatives to burial and cremation fail to comply with the Church’s teaching on respect for the bodies of the dead. Source: OSV News.


Ukrainian archbishop defends Vatican neutrality

The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has defended the Vatican’s diplomatic stance on the war in his country, saying that Pope Francis “has been acting on behalf of suffering Ukraine”. Source: The Tablet.