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Synod members begin small-group discussions on ‘synodality’

The 364 members of the assembly of the Synod of Bishops and the 85 experts, facilitators and ecumenical delegates accompanying them began their work in earnest yesterday, meeting, sharing and praying in small groups. Source: OSV News.

Charity Environment Pope Francis

Caritas Australia backs Pope’s ‘ecological vision’

Caritas Australia has welcomed Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, To All People of Good Will on the Climate Crisis, which was released on Wednesday.

Mental Health

More than a third of young Australians experienced mental health disorder in past 12 months

Almost two in five Australians aged between 16 and 24 have experienced a mental disorder within the past 12 months, according to new data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Source: The Guardian.

Appointment Education

Catholic Education Wilcannia-Forbes names new director of education

Wilcannia-Forbes Bishop Columba Macbeth-Green OSPPE has announced the appointment of Paula Leadbitter as director of Catholic education in the diocese, who will take up the role in January.

First Nations

Almost one million early votes cast in Voice referendum

Almost one million people have already voted in the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum, prompting questions as to whether Australia will know the result of the national poll on the night of October 14. Source:

Education Social Justice

Parramatta schools demonstrate Faith in Action

Catholic schools in Paramatta Diocese are working with many other local and global Church organisations to serve the wider community of Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. Source: Catholic Outlook.

South America

Church in Brazil launches first national pastoral outreach to slums

The Church in Brazil has coordinated efforts to offer pastoral ministry to the 12 million families living in the country’s slums, known as favelas in Portuguese. Source: NCR Online.


Catholic educators in Cameroon survive school attack

A Catholic priest and three teachers in Cameroon’s troubled southwest region are recovering from bullet wounds after they were shot in what Church authorities say was a targeted attack on a Catholic primary school last week. Source: UCA News.

Film Review

Film explores Iranian mother and daughter’s pursuit of freedom

In Shayda, an Iranian mother and her young daughter seek shelter in an Australian women’s refuge, looking for freedom from the domestic violence they have experienced. Source: Australian Catholics.