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Digital Life Politics Religious Freedom

PM defends social media disinformation bill

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese defended Labor’s social media disinformation bill yesterday, explaining it addresses concerns of media organisations about misinformation on social media. Source: The Guardian.

Legal Matters Vatican

WA Police want Vatican report on Bishop Saunders

Western Australian Police have called on Church authorities to hand over the Vatican investigation into former Broome Bishop Christopher Saunders. Source: The West Australian.


Vinnies backs parliamentary inquiry into immigration detention

In advance of a global focus on the rights and wellbeing of migrants and refugees, the St Vincent de Paul Society has welcomed the Australian Labor Party’s recent decision to support a parliamentary inquiry into immigration detention.


ACT Government takes first STEPS towards new health precinct

The ACT Government has lodged plans for the development of a new health precinct, which will include a youth mental health service run by Marymead CatholicCare. Source: Canberra Times.


Deacon focuses on relationship with God on eve of ordination

“I want to love like the Lord loves.” Parramatta Deacon Tom Green says these words will steer his ministry as he prepares for his ordination to the priesthood tomorrow. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Welfare payments for almost two million Australians to increase today 

Millions of Australians will see a boost to their Centrelink payments such as JobSeeker, Age Pension and Youth Allowance from today. Source: ABC News.

Environment Synod

Synod office announces plan to reduce assembly’s carbon footprint

With more than 450 people gathering at the Vatican from around the world for a month-long meeting, the General Secretariat of the Synod said it is taking action to reduce the environmental impact of the Synod assembly. Source: NCR Online.

Europe Euthanasia

France postpones euthanasia bill until after papal stopover 

France appears set to legalise assisted suicide but will delay the presentation of its new end-of-life bill until after Pope Francis visits Marseille this week. Source: The Tablet.

Middle East Peace

Peace in Holy Land would benefit entire international community: Vatican

A top Vatican official says the Holy See welcomes any initiative for peace in the Holy Land because it “is firmly convinced that peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and in the region more generally, would benefit the entire international community”. Source: Vatican News.