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Cost Of Living Welfare

Indexation to give financial boost to 5.5 million Australians

Millions of Australians receiving government support will have their payments lifted by as much as $50 a fortnight as a small relief in the cost-of-living crisis. Source: The Australian.

Health Politics

Calvary inquiry told ‘self-government in ACT not a right’

Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese chancellor Patrick McArdle has told a Senate inquiry that self-government in the ACT is not a right. Source: ABC News.

Prayer Refugees

Australian Catholics invited to stand in solidarity with asylum-seekers

The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum is this week holding a National Week of Prayer and Action to engage the Australian Catholic community in solidarity with people seeking asylum.

Eastern Rite Middle East

Maronite event to help pay school fees of struggling families in Lebanon

Maronite Bishop Antoine-Charbel Tarabay has called for solidarity and action for Lebanon’s education system, asking Australians to support struggling schools in the country. Source: Maronite Eparchy.


ACSL publishes safeguarding review for Carmelite Sisters Goonellabah

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd has this week published a safeguarding review for the Order of Discalced Carmelite Nuns Goonellabah.

Benedict XVI

Conference to explore Benedict’s life and legacy

An inaugural conference in Melbourne next month will bring together experts and specialists on the late Pope Benedict XVI to explore his life and legacy. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Vatican says Ulma child was born during mother’s execution

With a beatification Mass for the Ulma family set for Sunday, the Vatican emphasised that all nine members of the Polish family are considered martyrs, including the child who was born during the massacre. Source: OSV News.


Pope Francis thanks Cardinal Ladaria for years of service

Pope Francis met with Cardinal Luis Ladaria yesterday to thank him for his six years as head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. Source: CNA.


Missionaries flee South Sudanese diocese

Fearing for their lives, Catholic missionaries have fled South Sudan’s Yei Diocese, the local bishop said. Source: ACI Africa.