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Articles By This Author

Clergy World

US priests don’t trust their bishops, study finds

Priests in the United States have a “crisis of trust” toward their bishops as well as fear that if they were falsely accused of abuse, prelates would immediately throw them “under the bus”, a new study reveals. Source: CNS.

Synod World

Cardinal Kasper says Germany’s synodal path has failed

Cardinal Walter Kasper, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, says the German way forward on its “synodal path” is a failure. Source: The Tablet.


Shorten brings forward review of NDIS

A review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme has been brought forward in a bid to restore trust with participants and rein in waste, with the scheme expected to cost $8.8 billion more than previously forecast. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Environment Youth

Youth summit promotes healthy future for Australia

Catholic Earthcare Australia’s youth summit brought students from the Cairns Diocese together to promote a sustainable and environmentally friendly future for the nation. Source: Caritas Australia.


Painting a picture of a world without abortion

A visiting American right-to-life campaigner has a strong message to share – there is an alternative to the “easy” solutions offered by the world. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Sport World

Irish player calls on FA to tackle anti-Catholic abuse

An Irish professional soccer player is calling for action from the sport’s governing authority in England after he received racist and anti-Catholic abuse during a match in Sunderland. Source: Crux.

Beatification Vatican

Fatima’s Sr Lucia moves a step closer to beatification

The cause for beatification of Sr Lucia dos Santos, the eldest child to witness the Fatima apparitions, has taken a step forward. Source: CNA.


Eritrean authorities give no reason for detaining bishop

Eritrean authorities are continuing to detain a Catholic bishop who was arrested at the Asmara International Airport on October 15. Source: CNS.


‘Walking in both worlds’ a key to reconciliation

Catholic Aboriginal elder and educator Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann has called on Catholics to engage in reconciliation with Australia’s Indigenous peoples by learning about them and listening to their stories. Source: The Catholic Weekly