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Catholic sector welcomes plan to boost teacher numbers

The National Catholic Education Commission and Australian Catholic University have welcomed the draft National Teacher Workforce Action Plan released yesterday by the federal Education Minister Jason Clare.


Latest national NAPLAN test results a ‘mixed bag’

Almost 15 per cent of year 9 boys don’t meet the national minimum achievement standard for reading — the highest proportion ever, according to the latest NAPLAN test results. Source: ABC News.

Education Religious Freedom

Queensland parents petition against proposed law

Thousands of Queensland parents are petitioning against proposed laws that could prevent Christian schools from discriminating against employees who do not share their religious beliefs. Source: Courier-Mail.

Education Victoria

Catholic schools welcome Victorian election pledges

The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria says the state’s major political parties have recognised the value of Catholic education, with Labor and the Coalition making election pledges to build and upgrade schools. Source: MACS.


Australian teachers to share Pacific experience in Rome

Eilish Flagg and Katie Rawet should have crossed paths as students in the same teaching degree at Australian Catholic University. Instead, they met in a remote South Pacific village with no electricity, running water or roads.


Catholic Schools launches ‘bold and ambitious’ plan

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools has launched its inaugural strategic plan, following an extensive process of consultation and development.

Education Pope Francis

Edmund Rice schools join Pope’s education initiative

The global network of Edmund Rice schools, including Edmund Rice Education Australia, has partnered with Pope Francis’ education initiative, Scholas Occurrentes. Source: EREA


Burney’s path to politics began in the classroom

The Catholic Schools NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education conference this week has gathered 550 educators to discuss Closing the Gap in educational outcomes for Indigenous youth. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Education University

ACU awards top honour to Ungunmerr-Baumann

Aboriginal elder, educator and artist Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann has received a Doctor of the University (Honoris Causa) from Australian Catholic University.