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First Nations

Church celebrates journey towards reconciliation in Rome

Fifty years after the first Aboriginal Liturgy was held at the 1973 Eucharistic Congress in Melbourne, Cardinal Arthur Roche joined Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumannn and senior Australian Catholics at Domus Australia in Rome to celebrate the Church’s ongoing journey towards reconciliation. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

First Nations In The Dioceses

Sydney Archdiocese’s Reconciliation Action Plan an ‘opportunity, not a task’

Sydney Archdiocese has launched its Reconciliation Action Plan, with Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP asking Sydney Catholics to commit to acknowledging and healing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

First Nations

NATSICC launches website on Indigenous Voice to Parliament

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council has launched a new website called “One Journey, Together” for Catholics to learn about the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

First Nations Pope Francis

Pope receives Voice to Parliament message

Pope Francis has received a book advocating for a Voice to Parliament from long-time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advocate Fr Frank Brennan SJ. Source: The Australian.

First Nations Religious Orders

Catechist formation program a new chapter for Central Australia

A formation program to enable Indigenous catechists from the Arrernte and Walpiri people of Central Australia to hand on the faith in their culture is underway in Alice Springs, with the local parish embracing the opportunity. Source: In the Word.

First Nations Politics

Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum bill passes lower house

The legislation to set up the referendum on enshrining an Indigenous Voice to Parliament in the Constitution has passed the House of Representatives. Source: ABC News.

First Nations

Caritas Australia backs Voice to Parliament

Caritas Australia has offered its support to the creation of a First Nations Voice to Parliament to be enshrined in the Constitution.

Education First Nations

Brisbane Catholic schools to teach First Nations languages

Brisbane Catholic Education has announced a First Nations language curriculum aimed at empowering its 77,000 students to engage authentically and sensitively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and communities. Source: The Catholic Leader.

First Nations

Raising their voices at Indigenous Encounter day

More than 70 Catholics from ministries across Townsville joined Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and religious leaders in a day of listening, connection and reconciliation. Source: Mercy Partners.