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Charity Human Rights

Caritas Australia launches appeal to support displaced people globally

Caritas Australia has launched its “Displaced People Crisis Appeal” to respond to the growing global need of people who have been forced to leave their homes due to conflict or the climate crisis.

Human Rights Pope Francis

Pope calls for end to ‘horror of torture’

Pope Francis has called on the international community to work against torture and to guarantee support to victims and their families. Source: NCR Online.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

Number of people in Australia experiencing modern slavery rises to 41,000

Australia has an estimated 41,000 people experiencing modern slavery – nearly triple the estimates since 2018, according to figures published yesterday. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network.

Human Rights Migrants

Grattan Institute calls for overhaul of visa rules to protect migrant workers 

One in six migrants is paid less than the national minimum wage according to a new report by the Grattan Institute, which says governments have failed to stop the exploitation of migrant workers. Source: ABC News.

Human Rights United Nations

UN condemns Australia’s ‘inhumane’ detention of refugees

The United Nations’ torture watchdog has urged Australia to end its “inhumane”, indefinite detention of asylum-seekers and immigrants and make reparations for historical human rights abuses. Source: The Age.

Human Rights Media Religion

Religious affairs category added to journalism’s Kennedy Awards

The national Kennedy Awards for outstanding journalism has introduced a new category, acknowledging the important role that human rights, day-to-day social issues and religion play in society.

First Nations Human Rights

Australia’s human rights record ‘embarrassing’

Australia’s human rights record has been criticised in a new report, which says while progress has been made, the country is failing to adequately support refugees, children and First Nations people. Source: SBS News.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

Slavery survivor who became a campaigner wins Freedom Award

Modern slavery survivor Moe Turaga has been presented with a 2023 Anti-Slavery Australia Freedom Award in recognition of his work as a survivor advocate. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network.

Ecology Human Rights

Pope reiterates call to ensure fundamental human right to water

Pope Francis has reiterated his urgent call for a renewed international effort to achieve universal access to clean water and sanitation, which the United Nations recognised in 2010 as a fundamental human right. Source: Vatican News.