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Eastern Rite In The Dioceses

‘Immense joy’ as Maronites in Goulburn-Canberra region get a spiritual home

In a ceremony infused with faith and reverence, the Our Lady of Mercy Maronite Church in Goulburn was officially opened on Saturday. Source: Maronite Eparchy.

Disability Politics

Shorten’s warning on sustainability of NDIS

States and territories are failing to deliver adequate support to school children with disabilities, with National Disability Insurance Scheme Minister Bill Shorten declaring the Commonwealth did not have enough oversight of the federal funding delivered to jurisdictions for special needs education. Source: The Australian.

Crime Queensland

Unborn children killed in crimes to be recognised in ‘Sophie’s Law’

New laws that recognise unborn children who are killed as a result of criminal conduct have been passed in Queensland after close to a decade of campaigning. Source: The Courier-Mail.

Catechesis Pope Francis

‘Doctor of the poor’ put faith into action: Pope

Christians are not called to merely notice and criticise the social, economic and political issues of the day, but, like Blessed José Gregorio Hernández, they must “get their hands dirty” and commit themselves to action, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Asia Synodality

Church leaders discuss synodal formation in Asia

Clergy, religious and lay leaders from across Asia have joined a consultation meeting in Thailand on synodal formation to achieve a synodal Church. Source: UCA News.


Holy See urges nations to sign on to convention banning cluster munitions

A Holy See delegation at a meeting of nations who are parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions has urged countries that have not yet done so to sign the treaty, which prohibits the “use, development, production, acquisition, stockpiling and transfer of cluster munitions”. Source: NCR Online.

Education Victoria

Call to expand free teaching courses to Catholic schools

Victoria’s Catholic education body has called on the Andrews Government to expand its free teaching courses, arguing it will unfairly favour the state system and won’t fix the teacher shortage crisis. Source: Herald Sun.

Cost Of Living

Poorer Australians paying ‘poverty premium’ amid cost-of-living crisis

Australians on fixed or lower incomes are skipping meals and going without medicine, with new research revealing a “poverty premium” is being paid for essentials like petrol and groceries. Source: The New Daily.

Ministry Youth

New network aims to support leaders in youth ministry

A new national body – the Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Network – is set to foster and support leaders in Australia’s Catholic youth ministry community.