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Education Religious Freedom

Education sector will continue to fight for religious freedom

National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins says Catholic education will continue to make the voices of people of faith heard and respected across the nation in the fight for religious freedom. Source: NCEC.


Charity you choose depends on your birthday

Four in five Australians generously give to charity but the cause they are most likely to support depends on the donor’s birth year – with no two generations the same, research shows. Source: The Advertiser.

Easter Opinion

How Christianity can grow again in the West

This Easter it’s hard not to be a bit pessimistic – war in Ukraine, talk of war in Asia, endless other troubles. Christianity in the West is approaching two crisis points, writes Greg Sheridan. Source: The Australian.


Love is in the air as poetry prize celebrates 10 years

The Australian Catholic University Prize for Poetry, one of Australia’s richest poetry prizes, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year with poets being asked to reflect on the theme of Love.


Pope prays that Good Friday Agreement continues to inspire peace

In his Regina Coeli address the day after Easter, Pope Francis commemorated the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday agreement, praying that the deal which brought decades of violence in Northern Ireland to an end would continue to inspire peace. Source: Crux.


Cardinal Bo calls for end to violence in Myanmar as conflict intensifies

Cardinal Charles Bo of Yangon has appealed for peace and freedom in Myanmar, where tens of thousands of people, including Christians, continue to bear the brunt of an ongoing civil war between the military and ethnic rebel groups. Source: UCA News.


Easter gives ‘hope and new life’ to suffering world

Australia’s bishops have spoken of the power of Easter hope to bring Jesus’ healing to the suffering and division of the world and called on the faithful to carry that resurrection hope to others.

Indigenous Politics

Dutton says yes to constitutional recognition but no to Voice

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton will actively campaign against the Indigenous Voice to Parliament and has bound his frontbench to reject Anthony Albanese’s proposed model, prompting the Prime Minister to concede a Yes victory has been made more difficult. Source: The Australian.

Church Life

Christian leaders expect packed churches this Easter

Churches will be packed this Easter, according to Christian leaders who believe the demise of religion has been exaggerated. Source: Canberra Times