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New Syro-Malabar Eparch named for Australia and New Zealand

Pope Francis has appointed Fr John Panamthottathil CMI as the second bishop of the Syro-Malabar Eparchy of St Thomas the Apostle, Melbourne, to succeed Bishop Bosco Puthur. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Disability Employment

New program to help people with disability into workforce

A peak Catholic body says a new pilot program between the Commonwealth and the Business Council of Australia to expand job opportunities for Australians living with disabilities was an important step in helping people with disability get into the workforce. Source: CSSA.


Abstract reasoning project helps students ‘step into the future’

A project aiming to boost the abstract reasoning skills of senior primary school students has achieved significant results in what has been labelled a “critical learning area for the future”. Source: ACU.

Benedict XVI

Pope Francis remembers Benedict’s ‘wisdom, tenderness, devotion’

Pope Benedict XVI “spread and testified to” the Gospel his entire life, Pope Francis told tens of thousands of people gathered for his predecessor’s funeral Mass. Source: CNS/USCCB.


Pope announces ecumenical prayer vigil for Synod

Pope Francis has announced an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil will be held in September prior to the first assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality, so as to entrust the bishops’ work to the Lord. Source: Vatican News.


Nigerian priest burned to death after rectory attacked

A Catholic priest was burned to death on Sunday after bandits set fire to his parish rectory in northern Nigeria. Source: CNA.

Benedict XVI

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI dies aged 95

Pope Benedict XVI died yesterday, aged 95, after a sudden deterioration in his health earlier this week due to his advancing age. Source: The Tablet.

Benedict XVI Bishops

Church in Australia mourns death of Benedict XVI

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB says Pope Benedict XVI will long be remembered fondly in Australia as the Pontiff who led young people from around the globe in prayer at World Youth Day in Sydney in 2008. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Benedict XVI Pope Francis

Pope Francis expresses gratitude for the life of Benedict

Pope Francis has recalled the “kindness” and “nobility” of his predecessor, paying tribute to the late Pope Benedict XVI for his life of service to the Church, particularly his final years spent in retirement and prayer. Source: Crux.