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Archbishop Prowse ‘stunned and shocked’ by hospital takeover plan

After serving Canberra for more than 44 years, Calvary Public Hospital Bruce has been blindsided by the ACT Government, who yesterday announced it had begun an acquisition process to take control and ownership of the hospital. Source: Catholic Voice.

Bishops First Nations

Bishops encourage Catholics to read and discuss Uluru Statement 

As a vote on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament nears, Australia’s bishops have encouraged Catholics to read and discuss the Uluru Statement from the Heart – the document from which the Voice proposal emerged.


Catholic organisations respond to Budget with praise and criticism

More Catholic organisations have responded to the Albanese Government’s Budget, praising it for shining a spotlight on the cost-of-living crisis but cautioning that it will not be enough to alleviate the strain on many Australians. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

In The Dioceses

Vietnamese priest rides in to bring new life to bush parish

When Fr Thao Van Nguyen started his ministry in the New South Wales town of Coonamble in February, he was a long way from home. Over 6500 kilometres, in fact. Source: ABC News.

Ecumenism Vatican

Catholics and Copts ‘united by the love of Christ’

Two popes sat side by side before a crowd of rain-soaked pilgrims in St Peter’s Square in Vatican City yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Social Services

Centacare helps former prisoners ‘find their feet’ and a place in the community

For newly released prisoners in south-east Queensland, finding a roof over their head is an immediate challenge. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Gun Violence United States

Chicago parish collects 166 weapons in gun buyback event 

In an attempt to prevent gun violence and “build a culture of peace”, a large Catholic parish in the Chicago Archdiocese collected 166 guns at a drive-through gun buyback event. Source: NCR Online.

Liturgy Pope Francis

Pope restricted Latin Mass to stop it being used ‘in an ideological way’

Pope Francis implemented one of the changes in his 2021 motu proprio restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass because the allowances granted by his predecessors were “being used in an ideological way”. Source: CNA.


Missionaries of Charity acquire Mother Teresa’s first house

The Missionaries of Charity have secured ownership of the property in Kolkata where their founder, St Teresa of Kolkata, launched her full-time service to the poor 75 years ago. Source: Crux.