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Budget Politics

Budget delivers cost-of-living relief for millions of Australians

A modest increase in unemployment benefits and cheaper health care are the key pledges in a federal Budget tasked with helping the nation’s most vulnerable as living costs continue to hurt households. Source: ABC News.

Aged Care Budget Foreign Aid

Commitments to aged care ‘centrepiece of a positive Budget’

Catholic Health Australia and Caritas Australia have welcomed key commitments for the aged care sector and regional aid in the Albanese Government’s Budget.

Bishops First Nations

Church leaders engage with First Nations culture in Sydney meeting

Australia’s bishops and leaders of more than 30 religious institutes gathered in North Sydney on Saturday to pray together, reflect on their ministry and discuss issues of mutual relevance. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Falling enrolments put Catholic schools at risk of closure

The future of Melbourne’s small Catholic schools could be at risk as four inner-city Catholic primary schools face potential closure due to tiny student numbers. Source: The Age.

Family Violence

Parishioner wants more from Church in fight against domestic violence

Brisbane parishioner Carole Danby hopes to see the Church do more to raise its voice against the scourge of domestic and family violence in Queensland. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Catholic professionals told work ‘a mode of prayer’

Cabrini Health’s Natasha Michael has encouraged a group of 200 Catholic professionals to surround themselves with “greatness of mind, greatness of heart, greatness of spirit”. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Digital Life Evangelisation

Dutch priest ‘tweets with God’ in Tasmania

Helping young people grow in understanding of the Catholic faith and tradition while nurturing a deeper relationship with God is at the heart of Fr Michel Remery’s “Tweeting with God” ministry. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Jubilee 2025 Vatican

Progress for pilgrims as Vatican launches new website and app

The Vatican office in charge of coordinating plans for the Holy Year 2025 is launching a new website and an app to help people register and to guide them along their pilgrimage in Rome. Source: OSV News.

United States

US Government backs down over order to extinguish sanctuary candle

With a potential lawsuit looming, the US Government has issued a waiver to allow a Catholic hospital in Oklahoma to keep the flame of its chapel sanctuary candle burning. Source: Crux.