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Pope announces new appointment for Bishop Randazzo

Pope Francis has appointed Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo to the role of Apostolic Administrator of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Australia.


Doctors fight states’ push for telehealth euthanasia consultations

One thousand health professionals – most of them doctors and including leaders in geriatric and palliative care – have united to oppose a push by the states to allow telehealth appointments for euthanasia. Source: The Weekend Australian.


Stage 3 tax cuts to go ahead but no news on JobSeeker payment

The Albanese Government remains committed to the $250 billion stage 3 tax cuts but cannot say whether it will lift the JobSeeker payment rate, despite its own expert committee finding it was now “a barrier to paid work”. Source: The Guardian.


‘Matter matters’ for visiting US theologian

Theologian and author Timothy O’Malley wants to see faith communities drawn fully into liturgical life, sharing in the “mystery of love, that God became human, that humanity might become divine” at the heart of the Catholic faith. Source: The Catholic Leader.

First Nations Politics

Voice to Parliament an enhancement to Constitution: Solicitor-General

The Government’s top lawyer insists the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament would “enhance” Australia’s system of government, arguing he does not believe it would “pose any threat” to parliamentary democracy. Source: ABC News.


Memorial awards students for ‘exceptionally high contributions’ 

Catholic school student Madison Gurney-White gained a greater understanding of her great-grandfather’s life on the far west coast of South Australia and his service in World War II when she undertook research for an award-winning digital biography. Source: The Southern Cross.

East Asia

Hong Kong bishop invites Beijing-backed prelate to visit city

Hong Kong’s Catholic bishop said he has invited the state-appointed archbishop of Beijing to visit his city, a symbolic gesture that experts said could strengthen the fragile relationship between China and the Vatican. Source: NCR Online.


Anglicans celebrate liturgy at Pope’s cathedral after ‘breakdown in communication’

A “breakdown in communication” led to permission being given to a group of Anglican clergy to celebrate a service in Rome’s Basilica of St John Lateran. Source: America. 

Pope Francis

Tell Jesus everything: Pope Francis

Pope Francis has recommended making an examination of conscience at the end of each day as a way to invite Jesus into the joys and struggles of daily life. Source: CNA.