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Easter gives ‘hope and new life’ to suffering world

Australia’s bishops have spoken of the power of Easter hope to bring Jesus’ healing to the suffering and division of the world and called on the faithful to carry that resurrection hope to others.

Indigenous Politics

Dutton says yes to constitutional recognition but no to Voice

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton will actively campaign against the Indigenous Voice to Parliament and has bound his frontbench to reject Anthony Albanese’s proposed model, prompting the Prime Minister to concede a Yes victory has been made more difficult. Source: The Australian.

Church Life

Christian leaders expect packed churches this Easter

Churches will be packed this Easter, according to Christian leaders who believe the demise of religion has been exaggerated. Source: Canberra Times

Pope Francis

Go back to the heart this Holy Week: Pope

Pope Francis has offered advice for how to have a fruitful Holy Week, urging people to focus on the essentials and look to the cross as the source of hope, as he prepares to wash the feet of 12 young people at a juvenile centre. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Laity

Tasmania blazes trail with institution of catechists

Nineteen catechists from parishes around Tasmania were formally instituted at St Mary’s Cathedral in Hobart recently, one of the first groups to be instituted in Australia. Source: Archdiocese of Hobart.

Modern Slavery

Be a Good Egg in fight against slavery and child labour

A justice-based chocolate revolution has been sweeping through schools, parishes and communities in Australia in the days leading up to Easter, with people buying slavery-free certified Easter eggs to avoid chocolate that may have been produced using child labour. Source: ACRATH

Film Review

Comedy and drama odd bedfellows in hospital

Allelujah is a British film based on the play of the same name by Alan Bennett and it boasts a Britbox cast of acting luminaries in an ensemble work of heart. Source: Jesuit Media.

Canon Law Eastern Rite

Pope revises penal law of Eastern Catholic Churches

In a new Apostolic Letter issued motu proprio, Pope Francis has revised the penal law of the Eastern Churches, harmonising some aspects of the Eastern discipline with that of the Latin Church, while preserving the distinctive features of Eastern law. Source: Vatican News.


CathNews will return after Easter break

CathNews will not be published on Good Friday or Easter Monday. It will return on Easter Tuesday.