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Charity Ukraine

Caritas and Jesuit Mission continue support for Ukraine

Australian Catholic charities Caritas Australia and Jesuit Mission have reflected on the devastation and humanitarian toll on Ukraine on the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion.


Safeguarding chief urges removal of any material honouring abusers

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd chief Ursula Stephens has affirmed that there should be no ongoing commemoration of clergy and religious who have abused children. Source: RiotACT.


Government facing push to build more homes

Housing Minister Julie Collins will have to approve the construction of more homes than the Government planned if she wants legislation for her key $10 billion housing investment fund to pass Parliament. Source: The Age.

In The Dioceses Liturgy

New program to focus on ‘God’s most precious gift’ to humanity

The Perth Archdiocese has launched a new program on liturgical formation and renewal with a focus on “God’s most precious gift” to humanity – the Eucharist. Source: The eRecord.

HIgher Education Prayer

ACU says Hallow to Catholic prayer app

Australian Catholic University has teamed up with the world’s leading Catholic prayer and meditation app to offer students and staff a free personal prayer resource during Lent and beyond.

Social Services

Report finds low-income families struggle in summer heat

Almost two-thirds of people on income support are struggling to keep their homes cool in sweltering summer temperatures, an Australian Council of Social Service report has found. Source:

United States

Housekeeper’s husband charged with murder of LA bishop

A 61-year-old man has been charged with the February 18 murder of Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop David O’Connell. Source: National Catholic Register.

Pope Francis

Bad cold forces Pope to cancel appointment and speeches

Pope Francis cancelled one audience and skipped speeches he was set to deliver yesterday because of a bad cold, the Vatican said. Source: NCR Online.

Film Review

Talking about the oppression of women

In Women Talking, three generations of women experience sexual abuse in their reclusive faith community and meet to decide what they must do: stay, stay and fight, or leave. Source: Jesuit Media.