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First Nations Interfaith Politics

Religious leaders unite to urge support for Voice

A coalition of religious organisations has sent a joint letter to MPs warning that future generations of Australians “will not forgive us” if the Indigenous Voice to Parliament fails at the referendum. Source: The Australian.


Neglect and abuse of people with disability costs $46b a year

The abuse and maltreatment of Australians with a disability costs the economy $46 billion a year, according to an analysis published by the disability royal commission yesterday. Source: The Age.

Appeal Lent

Caritas launches annual Lenten appeal

Caritas Australia will today – Ash Wednesday – launch its annual Lenten fundraising and awareness appeal, Project Compassion.

Aged Care

Aged care workers get early pay rise

The Fair Work Commission yesterday awarded a 15 per cent pay rise for aged care workers from June 30, bringing forward the 5 per cent increase that was due to commence from July 2024. Source: Inside Ageing.


Religious schools must retain right to discriminate

It is vital that all faith-based schools have the freedom to best reflect the needs and aspirations of their various communities, writes Kevin Donnelly. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

HIgher Education

A home away from home: the flourishing of JPII House

Since JPII House opened in the inner-Melbourne suburb of Carlton in July 2022, it has become a real “home away from home” for university students. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Liturgy Pope Francis

Francis clarifies rules on pre-Vatican II Mass

Pope Francis has stepped up efforts to implement restrictions on the old rite of the Mass with a new ruling that tightens the conditions for the celebration of the pre-Second Vatican Council liturgy. Source: The Tablet.

Ukraine United States

Catholic leader says Biden visit gives Ukrainians new hope

Ukraine’s most senior Catholic prelate says the surprise visit of US President Joe Biden on Monday has given the country’s people new hope on the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion. Source: Crux.

Abuse crisis

New restrictions against Jesuit possible after credible abuse accusations

The Society of Jesus said it will open a new internal investigation on Fr Marko Rupnik SJ after receiving abuse accusations with a “very high” degree of credibility against the artist. Source: CNA.