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Education Politics Religious Freedom

Labor ‘deaf to concerns of people of faith’

Opposition legal affairs spokesman Julian Leeser has demanded Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus “wipe the slate clean” on an Australian Law Reform Commission review into discrimination in religious schools. Source: The Australian.

Housing Politics

Opposition to oppose Labor’s $10b affordable housing plan

The Albanese Government has used a rowdy question time to attack the Coalition for “letting Australians down” in failing to support their centrepiece housing policy. Source:

Digital Life Evangelisation

Digital age offers new avenues for evangelisation

The digitalisation of culture offers the Church many new challenges, as well as a great new avenue for evangelisation, writes Fr Joshua Nash OMI. Source: The Bridge.

Abuse crisis Retreat

Funding scheme offers healing for victims of Church abuse

People who have been abused or harmed in Church or other settings and are seeking healing may be eligible for a new funding scheme available in 2023. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

New South Wales Politics

Perrottet won’t say if he’ll back ban on gay conversion therapy

New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet will not tell voters whether he will back a ban on so-called gay conversion therapy until he has considered the issue with his cabinet. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Pope Francis Prayer

‘Viral’ celebration will mark 10th anniversary of Francis’ pontificate

An online prayer initiative has been launched ahead of the 10th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis on March 13. Source: Vatican News.

World Youth Day

Cost-cutting takes centre stage at World Youth Day

The organisers of World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon say they have lowered the cost of the main stage which will be used as an altar for the final Mass, following an outcry over the price of the construction. Source: The Tablet.

Africa Sacraments

Sharing secrets behind highest Mass attendance in the world

After Nigeria was recognised as having the highest Mass attendance in the world, the African nation’s youngest cardinal has shared some of the secrets behind his country’s vibrant sacramental life. Source: CNA.

Southeast Asia

Bishop in Vietnam disowns ‘fake’ priest

A bishop in Vietnam has disowned a priest ordained for his diocese in the Philippines when the laity questioned the new priest’s worthiness, saying that he was once jailed for bribery and not known to have trained in a seminary. Source: UCA News.