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Health In The Dioceses

Lismore Diocese to build hospital offering ‘cutting-edge medical services’

Lismore Diocese has today announced plans for a new private hospital in line with its vision to ensure the Northern Rivers and surrounding communities continue to be provided with high-quality health care.

Health Pope Francis

Pope speaks of scourge of drug addiction as report highlights Australian crisis

A drug overdose claims an Australian life every four hours according to a new report, coinciding with a call by Pope Francis to cast off indifference to the crisis of drug addiction. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Cost Of Living Housing

Growing number of Australians in mortgage stress amid rise in home loan defaults

Australians are defaulting on their home loans at growing rates as the number of borrowers at risk of mortgage stress peaks at levels not seen since 2008, when the global financial crisis hit. Source: ABC News.


Legalisation doesn’t end fight against euthanasia

While the battle to prevent the legalisation of euthanasia may have been lost in all Australian states and likely soon in the territories, it does not mean we can abandon trying to give people reasons not to choose to end their lives, writes Margaret Somerville. Source: Catholic Voice.

Canon Law HIgher Education

Canon law studies resume after COVID break 

Australian theological institute BBI-TAITE is again welcoming faculty from Saint Paul University Ottawa to teach units in the licentiate in canon law, after the face-to-face program had been suspended due to COVID-19.


MacKillop Education’s Caulfield campus opens

MacKillop Education has celebrated the opening of its third Melbourne specialist school campus to support students who are disengaged or at risk of disengaging from school. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

East Asia Mission

Pope’s visit highlights Church’s remarkable journey in Mongolia

As the world’s eyes turn to Mongolia, Pope Francis’ visit emerges as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the country, spotlighting the Church’s remarkable journey in that country. Source: Catholic Mission.


Cardinal contrasts humility of Pope John Paul I with toxic social media

If Blessed Pope John Paul I were alive today, he would stand as a counter-example to a social media-driven culture of “followers” and “likes”, according to the Church official in charge of his sainthood cause. Source: Crux.

Pope Francis United States

Pope Francis blasts US Catholics who oppose Church reform

Pope Francis blasted what he described as groups of “very strong, reactionary” American Catholics, warning against becoming “backwardists” who oppose change in the Church. Source: NCR Online.